Not Strong Enough

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"Ace, you rest for a while. Alex, you fight with me," Asher informs, entering the ring.

Welp, now it is my time to run. "It was nice knowing you guys," I say and turn around to run. I am running on the same spot, though. I look behind and see August has a finger around my belt loop, holding me in place.

"I don't want to die," I say to August, shaking my head like a madman.

"You won't die, Alex," August chuckles.

"How do you know that? I can't defend myself against Ace, and he is not even that str-" I stop abruptly. I look at Ace, and he raises his eyebrows, daring me to finish the sentence. I was about to make a huge mistake again.

"Alex," August calls, letting go of my belt loop and taking my hand.

"You won't get strong if you run away from this now. It is not like my brother is going to kill you,"

"He is right," Ace says, picking my bag from the floor and approaching us, "You have to face this. You can't run away, Alex," He says, handing me my bag.

"I promise I will go easy on you," Asher winks. He must go easy on me because I will die if he goes full-on Asher mode.

"Alright," I sigh, taking my bag and heading to the changing room.

I close the door behind me and take a seat on the bench. I didn't want to fight Asher because he would show me how powerless and weak I would be against people like him. I am aware it sounds pathetic because Asher has been fighting much longer than I have. But, it still makes me feel vulnerable that people can still put me down and walk over me.

I guess I am still not completely over what happened. I mean, can you blame me? The person I loved and trusted the most broke my heart to pieces that in no way can be put together.

I want to be strong, that no one or nothing can put me down.

I remove my jeans, leaving me in my top and shorts. I tape my hands and take deep breaths to calm myself.

I can do this. I am Alex Freaking Carter.

I go outside and see Ace and August talking. Ace puts his head back and laughs at something August says. A small smile overtakes my previously stern face. I enter the ring, and Asher smiles at me.


"Always," I reply. Ace and August take a sear, ready to watch the show, or should I say, to watch me die.

"I won't go too easy on you, Carter," Asher smirks.

"Thanks, but you don't have to hold back. I can handle pain," I smile, rotating my neck and jumping to loosen the muscle.

"You are strong, Alex. Don't forget that. You are an unbeatable champion. Give yourself some credit," Ace yells, and I nod with a smile.

I take a deep breath and focus only on Asher and the match, cancelling any unnecessary noises, that is, Ace's and August's yelling.

Asher and I circle each other, getting the hang of the tension and nervousness. Then, I attack,

I make the first move by putting my right foot forward and punching him with my right arm. Asher stops my punch with his left hand by catching my wrist and bringing it down with force.

Knowing that he has my left-hand captive, Asher punches me with his right hand, but I move closer in time, and his arm misses my face, and I use my left hand to block him from punching my face from the side. All of this happens within two seconds.

I forcefully free my wrist from his grasp and move back.

"Not bad, Carter," Asher scoffs.

"Well, I must admit, the dolls were helpful," I snort.

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