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Sweat runs down my back as I train with the wooden dummy. I hit the one on the right side and immediately use my left hand to attack the one coming at me. I have gotten way better at blocking attacks at a fast pace.

I attack, avoid and keep hitting until I, unfortunately, get hit on the right side of my face.

"That was impressive," Carter says, leaning against the door.

"Thanks," I say and take the towel he hands me.

"You are improving at a rapid pace. I am proud," Carter says, grinning.

"It's not enough. I don't think I can take on the don in my current state,"

"Give yourself more credit, Alex. You are an amazing fighter. Plus, you have me as your coach," Carter smirks. I chuckle and throw the towel at his face.

"Anyhow, I think you can win," He says, throwing the towel away.

"You know," I start, sitting next to him. "I have been getting these letters. I open my locker, and they appear like magic, and the words in the letter make me want to live another day. It makes me want to open my heart and trust again. I haven't done that in so long, Carter,"

I know I said I wouldn't talk about it, but I want to find out if it is okay to fall in love again.

"He calls himself the sepal," Carter patiently waits for me to talk, and I tell him everything I have kept closed inside my heart.

"Wow," That is the first thing that comes out of Carter's mouth after I tell him everything.

"He loves you a lot, huh," That sentence warms my insides, and I put my head down so Carter wouldn't see me blush. I stand up and walk towards the dummy.

"You are in love with him, aren't you? Carter suddenly asks, making me stop in my tracks.

Love? Is it possible to fall in love with someone I have never met?

"I don't know," I answer honestly, facing him.

"Is it possible to fall in love because of the letters?" I question.

"Why not?" Asher answers, coming in.

"Falling in love is a," He pauses, "How do I put it?" He states, scratching his head, "It's a strange phenomenon. You don't have to look at a person to fall in love,"

"You fall in love with fictional characters because of how they are portrayed, and you don't even know what they look like," Carter says.

"People fall in love with a person because of various reasons. Some fall in love with a person's smile, some fall in love because of how kind the other person is, and some even fall in love because the other person can make them laugh,"

"You," Carter says, pointing at me.," You fell in love because of the love he has for you,"

"You love him because deep down you know no one else can love you like he loves you,"

I take a deep breath at the sudden realization and sit down to let the words sink in.

I fell in love with the way he loves me.

"Will I still love him after I know who he is?" I question, dreading the answer.

Both Carter and Asher pass knowing looks.

"Even if you don't, I am pretty sure you will find a way to fall in love with him," Asher states.

"That is who you are, Alex. You are too kind for your own good. I am sure you will fall in love with him. You won't suffer another heartbreak, Alex. I can promise you that," Carter says, patting my head.

"He is one blessed guy," Asher says, smiling.

"Thanks, guys,"

"No problem, no wonder you were so out of it today," Asher states, flicking me on the forehead.

"Ouch, bro, you sometimes forget your own strength," I say, rubbing the spot he flicked me.

"Back to you," Asher smiles, leaving the room.

"Unexpected things happen, Alex. Some of them are good, and most of them are traumatizing. That breaks and moulds you into a beautiful person who understands what others go through. Not everybody has a heart that understands what other people go through. You have it, and that is a blessing,"

"What if I break even more, Carter?"

"You did not, Alex. Look at you. You wouldn't be here if you had given up,"

"You might want to curse and rip out your heart that feels the pain and misery of someone else. You never know, but your heart is probably helping someone else's heart want to beat another second,"

"Don't you think that is a wonderful thing?" Carter finishes, smiling.

"So many people are thankful you are here today. That includes me, too," Ace says, hugging me from behind.

"Just how much did you hear?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Not much. Just enough to know that you need this hug," Ace says, holding me tighter.

I smile and lean on his arms. I look at Carter, and he smiles at me. It's okay. It's okay to feel this way. It's okay to stumble sometimes because I have people to pick me up.

"Ace, you annoying bastard. I am going to kill you," Blue shouts, approaching the room.

"Please save me. August is going to kill me," Ace whispers, fear clearly visible in his eyes.

"What did you do this time?" Carter asks, sighing.

"I might or might not have added vinegar to his water bottle and covered his towel in glitter after making him run around the gym ten times,"

"You are so dead," I say, laughing.

"Dude, do you have a death wish?" Carter asks.

"ACEEEEEE," Blue screams.

"Alex, save me," Ace shrieks, using me as a shield.

"Count me out," I laugh, pushing Ace away.

"Et tu brute,"

"Yeah, yeah, me too, Brute only. Run before he kills you,"

Blue starts chasing him, and Ace uses Carter as a human shield. Carter crouches down, allowing Blue to catch Ace.

"Ahh, I am sorry. I won't do this again," Ace pleads.

"Yeah, you won't because you should be alive to do it," Blue smirks.

"Just what do you think you are doing in my gym?" Asher shouts, and we all laugh, running away.

It's okay. 


Hey guys. Here is another chapter. Let ne know what you think. Any idea on who the mystery guy is? Vote and leave a comment. Jesus loves you.

Love 😍

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