❥ 55. Brumous

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brumous (adjective)
gray skies and winter days, filled with heavy clouds and fog



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The voice was the only sound in the room, every beep pulled her back to consciousness but the numbness in her bones made her feel light, so light as if she could be floating in the air. She blinked adjusting to the light but a little movement couldn't be felt. Her throat felt parched and no other lumps could be felt.

The light grey roof was unknown, and so was the smell around with constant beeping in the background.

She wanted to frown as the confusion clouded her brain about the change of environment. It was eerily silent and the lack of windows made the guess of time impossible. She kept laying back, forcing herself to think, process, and remember what she could.

The nibbling pain in her temples was the first thing she registered. It was all a blurry reel playing in her memories, it was hard to pinpoint what exactly had happened. She was at a loss for memories, what she remembered was sitting in her cabin, working.

A distant fall, a clinking of metal somewhere far away made her jerk towards the IV drip in her arms. She blinked seeing her crepe bandage-wrapped arm and a drip attached to the back of her palm.

"Mishti, Tumi kēmana ācha? (How are you doing?"

As if she was exposed to thousand piercing nails, all her pain came back. The burning of her wounds, the sharpness of metal piercing her flesh, the harsh slap on her cheek, the taste of blood on her tongue, the cut on her neck, the fingers wrapped around her neck choking her, and the hit on her shoulder.





"Are you trying to run away again Darling?

She wanted to curl and fade into the corners to never get found. She wanted to scream, thrash, cry, and run away but her body seemed paralyzed.

Her throat itched, face burned along with her eyes as the hot tears trailed, but not even a wince could be heard.

"Ira? Jesus. You're awake"

Her clutched eyes refused to acknowledge her presence.

"Does it hurt? It should because seeing you with another man hurt me too"

"Open your eyes dove. Please"

"We can correct this you know."

"Baby, please. Look at me"

"You no longer look like a married woman"

"Mahira." A pause "Dove, please. I beg you. Look at me. Open your eyes, please. You've already tortured me enough not anymore. I can't see you in pain Baby please"

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