Chapter Five

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"Ariabella. Sweetheart, wake up."

I grumble, stretching my arms. Upon opening my eyes, I see the new dawn and the sunlight reflecting golden rays off what I can only assume is the palace.

"Come," says the guard as the door to the carriage is opened from the outside, by a footman. "They are expecting us."

"How did word reach the palace so quickly?" I ask, leaning close to Mother as we exit the carriage.

"Couriers and messengers," she replies, taking my hand as we wait for the guard to lead the way. "Ariabella, I want you to listen carefully... You are about to stand before the king and his royal court. This is an experience you have not had before. You must remain as polite and respectful as you can. Do not speak unless spoken to first. He will ask you to clarify your story. Speak only the truth."

"Mother, wh-"

"Just keep silent until they speak to us."

Puzzled, I hold my tongue. As the guard leads us through the main entrance, I feel smaller than I am. The foyer is longer than the path between my home and the stream. The walls are gold, decorated with cream curtains that reach from the ceiling to the floor. Portraits of past royals occupy the walls. Each face appears to watch me, a commoner, trespassing on their territory.

 Each face appears to watch me, a commoner, trespassing on their territory

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 The throne room is unlike anything I've seen until now. I thought the entryway was extravagant, but this room is amazing. Lustrous braziers hanging from one side of each of the eight onyx columns light up most of the throne hall and paint the hall a range of yellows and oranges. The paintings of birds and butterflies on the terraced ceiling dance in the flickering light while carved images look down upon the mahogany floor of this lavish hall.

A cobalt rug splits part of the room in half from the throne to midway down the hall, while pointed banners with ornate sigils hang from the walls. Between each banner stands a large candlestick. Almost all of them are lit, illuminating the portraits of leaders beneath them.

Thick, stained glass windows of intricate mosaics are enclosed by draperies colored the same cobalt as the banners. The golden curtains remain consistent, adorned with decorated tips and jewels.

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