Publishing News!

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Now that this book is no longer in the running for the Longlist/Shortlist, I have decided to (as the amazing cyndagallagher commented on my TikTok - go give her a follow here on Wattpad and TT!) Pull and Pub THE LARK'S PEARL! 

I have someone looking over the story, but I am considering a POV rewrite. Just for the prologue and the epilogue, but I really love how the prologue reads. If you have not read this book, basically I wrote the prologue in 3rd-present and then switch to 1st-present through the rest of the story. It's not a common style of writing so I want to be sure readers won't freak out on me. I'm getting print proofs TODAY.

I wrote a blog post all about this. You can find the link here (also in the comments) ►

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