Chapter 6

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Sia's POV:

"Hey, I'm justin"

His raspy voice sent shivers down my body. I've never felt this before. It felt like my whole body was on fire. And this is the first time I've met him, heck I don't even know him yet my body was Reacting on its own. It has never happened before. Not even with Andrew.


His name felt like a reality check. As if a cold bucket of water was poured over  my body that made the fire die down.

You're fuckin married Sia behave!

Well not exactly married but this shouldn't justify what you're feeling right now

Stop behaving like a fuckin teenager

God it's merely been 24 hours since your marriage broke and you're already ogling over someone you just met

Well maybe it's all because of what happened yesterday. My body is weak so are my feelings. They need comfort and attention

My feelings are seeking for attention on its own. They are seeking for some kind of rebound

"Um are you okay? "

His voice jerked me out of my inner battle and I looked up to see Justin looking at me Confused which made me realise that he still had his hand out for me to take and I was blankly standing there for God knows how long

"Um yeah, sorry for zoning out. I'm Sia "

I said hurriedly as I shook hands with him

The skin contact made the dead fire rise again. My heart thumped . God what the hell is even happening to me

He raised an eyebrow at me but didn't say anything. He just nodded and turned to Aaron

" She can stay in the empty room beside kitchen " He said

"What no?! " Aaron exclaimed which made me turn to her in confusion

" The room is so small and is for servants ! We have so many other guest rooms upstairs she can - " Aaron rushed to argue but was cut off by Justin

"Mom.. Those are Guest rooms and you said she'll work for us if I let her stay here. That makes her a servant and nothing more. There's no need for her to stay in a guest room "


But he's letting me stay here so I must agree with whatever he says

"But she's not a servant! She's- "

This time it was Fay trying to stand up for me but I cut her off

"No he's right. I am here to work for you guys. You guys are letting me stay with you that's already a lot. I don't wanna bother you all more and I have absolutely no problem with staying in a small room really " I said softly

I heard Justin sigh and then he began to leave

Aaron and Fay both looked at me sadly but nodded their head in agreement eventually

"And Ju-Justin " I started turning towards him , his steps halted but he didn't turn around

"Thank you for letting me stay, I am grate- "

" Oh I really don't care " He cut me off and left

Ouch.. Again

"Oh Sia! Please don't mind him! He's always been like this " Aaron tried to explain

"On no Aaron it's okay. He's letting a stranger stay in his house. That's already enough. I don't mind " I said with a small smile then turned to Fay

"Show me my room? "

"Oh yeah cmon! "

She said while pulling both my suitcase with her

"Go settle down, I'll call you when dinner is ready " Aaron said

" I can help making dinner! " I suggested

"No no. We all are tired. Justin has ordered food already so you don't need to worry. You can start working from tomorrow " Aaron informed

"Okay "


My new room was actually kinda small. It had a single bed, a small table with a mirror , and a small closet. That's it. On the left wall there was a door which led to the bathroom. It was small but it had all the necessities ,so I didn't mind .

Well, I couldn't mind. I am in no place to throw tantrums

But the fact that my new room was probably smaller than my walk in closet back home was heartbreaking

Not because of the luxury. I am grateful that I found Aaron. Or more precisely Aaron found me. She basically let a stranger in her home and she treated me like family. I will ways be grateful to her.

For helping me start a new life.

For giving me a new life .

Without Andrew

But with Justin...

His name alone was enough for me to open my eyes and come out of my Dreamland

I was trying to sleep for the past hour but it wasn't working

My mind had too much on it

Everything's changed completely

Yesterday I was a wife, a sister.. Who lived in a mansion with her 'family' had lovely servants who were always there for every little thing

And today here I was... Heart broken, basically divorced, with no family and working as a servant.

Life really is a bitch .

It can take a complete turn within mere seconds

I don't know if I should be happy that I found a new beginning , or be sad that I left evey thing behind ,I have no one to call family anymore .

Well here, I would be treated with respect. No body here would treat me as some piece of trash. No body  would make me question my self worth and be insecure again.

Atleast that's what I thought.



I hope you all are doing great

I know this chapter is kinda messy and short but my final exams of this semester are going on , that's why I couldn't upload faster or longer updates

But I'll be more consistent I promise!

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