Chapter 17

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*Sia's POV*

Ever since I woke up, that was almost an hour ago when a nurse came in with some breakfast and medicines, I've done nothing but cry.

Not the loud sobs though,
My eyes have been glued to the ceiling and tears have been flowing out my eyes as I mourn over my baby.

It was all I had.

My last and only hope

I seriously don't remember half of the things I said or did last night.

According to the nurse, when she came in I was crying hysterically


Probably for my baby I had thought

But then she informed me, the man that brought me here left right before she came in

And then all the vague memories of last night came in

I couldn't help but feel embarrassed

What is happening to me?
Like seriously
What was I doing?

I had become so frustrated within myself as I thought about how irrationally I've behaved.

I lost my baby and instead of mourning , here I was throwing some stupid tantrum at someone I barely knew and that too just because he informed me he had a girlfriend?


I feel like I was going insane

I was feeling so many emotions yet emptiness prevailed through my body

I guess the shock was too much to handle and I couldn't cope with it

That's why I wanted to seek immediate gratification without thinking about the consequences

I  was completely out of touch with reality

That is what the nurse has told me, after I had asked her why I would behave like that.

I was glad my conscience was back and I could now finally think over my actions

My thoughts were interrupted as the door opened and came in Aaron with her ever so worried wrinkled eyes

I could instantly feel the sense of comfort that filled the empty room as she came in and was right at my side engulfing me in a heartwarming hug

"Aaron.. m-my baby.." I whispered, my voice weak as we pulled back

"Sshh Its okay it's fine " She cut me off and tried to console me but I could see the hurt she had in her eyes

The look in her eyes made me recall how badly I've behaved with her too.

Yet she's here

The guilt began to set in, and it was unbearable

Oh God

What was I thinking??

I looked down in shame before taking her hands in mine and took a deep breath

"Aaron.. I-I am so sorry! I don't know why I was behaving like th-" I rushed to apologize but she cut me off

"Hey it's okay don't worry about it. I can't even imagine the pain you're going through. It's not your fault -

" I brought cookies! "

Both of us turned our head towards the door to see Fay holding a medium sized box in her head which smelt amazing.
Her wide smile radiating nothing but pure positivity which I'm sure I so badly needed

She half ran to my bed, opposite from Aaron and literally jumped on me as she gave me a big hug

"Fay! Behave! " I heard Aaron yell but my  body was secured within Fay's frame so i couldn't do anything

After she pulled away she placed the box of cookies in my lap and asked me to get eating


"No please! I am full!" I protested as Fay insisted to eat another cookie.

I don't know how much cookies we have eaten, I lost count after the 5th one but I am sure it was a lot

Fay was about to argue when Aaron shut her up

" Fay that's enough. We can eat the rest at home after lunch " She said which caused to smile to form on Fay's face while my smile faded

"Okay! You know we've made chicken and - " Fay began to speak excitedly but  stopped when she noticed my face

"What happened? You don't like Chicken?" She asked innocently causing me to give her a sad smile and look at Aaron

"I can't live with you guys " I said softly

"What?" Aaron asked , her eyes knitted together in confusion

"Remember you said I had to look after the baby. Well , the baby isn't here anymore " I began speaking but my voice cracked, a lone tear escaping from my left eye causing me to instantly wipe it away and continue again

"I shall manage on my own. I can't be a burden on you guys " I  finished

"This is nonsense! That was just another reason for you to stay. You don't have to leave just because you- " Aaron rushed to response but was cutoff my a knock on the door

All three of us shifted our focus towardd the door, from where a nurse emerged

"Ma'am you have a visitor. Shall I send him in?"

My mind instantly thought about Justin but the thought was gone as soon as it came in as Fay spoke

"Can't be Justin. He left for a meeting in New York right before we came here "

This caused my mind to go completely blank but before I could ask the nurse about the visitor, Aaron told her to just them in before she shifted her gaze back to me

"As I was saying, you really don't need to leave Sia. You can stay with us as long as you want "

"Aaron please. I have to look after myself! I need to get work and settle- "

"You know you can always come and stay with me right? "

My explanation was interrupted again but this  time by a male voice which I haven't heard in a while but it sure sounded familiar

My head turned towards the door and my eyes went wide as they took in the figure standing at the door frame

My mouth hung open , my face drained out of any sort of color as my eyes met his

I covered my mouth with my hands in shock and shook my head

But I didn't look away

I didn't break the eye contact as he took slow steps towards me

I could not  speak neither could process what was happening

And why was this happening right now

"Sia.. Hi" 

He spoke ever so softly as he gave me a sad smile before extending his hand towards me

Hearing his voice again made something in my heart break and my eyes filled with tears. Taking in his face, while I looked deep down in those ever so familiar eyes with  my blurry ones, My lips quivered in pain before I finally managed to speak

"Andrew.. "


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