Chapter 35

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"Shut the fuck up, Alisha " 

Sia has never been so angry before. Who was this girl?  Is this the same baby she spent half of her life with? Her sister? She couldn't understand why Alisha wanted to make her suffer so badly. Has she not done enough already?

She couldn't believe it. Her husband's mistress was already living in Sia's house, sleeping in their marital bed with Andrew. And now she wanted to start a false rumor about Sia being pregnant with Justin's child? Who was this girl? She was heartbroken to discover that her little sister had become such a cunning and evil woman. It was time to put an end to this drama once and for all. It had gone on for too long, and too many people were getting involved and hurt for no reason. As she looked around at Aaron, Justin, and Fay, she knew that she had to take action.

And so she spoke.


" What do you think you're doing? Have you not done enough? huh? As if wreching my home wasn't enough, you come back to tarnish my character too? what have I done to deserve this? " 

She took a step further towards her. Justin held her arm just to make sure she didn't hit her again.

Not that he didn't want her to hit her any further, but the current situation on his front porch had already caught the attention of some of his neighbors and passersby. Any violence would surely attract the police, which would ruin his perfect image as a successful and handsome lawyer. He didn't want that, especially when he had a very important case to fight the following Monday.

Alisha has subconsciously stepped behind Andrew who looked back at Sia in shock. He never even in his wildest dreams has thought of Sia as a violent person. 

Not even after she slapped him twice? Well that he deserved.

Alisha was struggling to find the right words. She glanced down, contemplating how to respond. She could have simply told the truth and admitted to feeling jealous of Sia, but that would have been a blow to her own character, especially in front of Andrew and Justin - the latter of whom she had recently developed a crush on. It wasn't just because he was good-looking and wealthy, but also because Sia had caught his attention. Alisha found herself resenting this fact and desiring everything that Sia had.

"Sia...listen" Andrew spoke trying to take her hand in his and talk her out of it.

"oh please! shut up!" Everyone looked at the source of this voice. 


"I won't allow you to do this in front of my house anymore," she said, gesturing towards Andrew, Alisha, and Sia. "This is my property, and both of you need to leave before I call the police. And for goodness' sake, leave this woman alone!" She pointed at Sia. 

Aaron exclaimed in annoyance, causing everyone's eyes to widen, including Justin's and Fay's. They had never seen their mother shout incoherently before.

Sia felt so guilty. This family did not deserve to get involved in all this mess. 

  "Ma'am -" Andrew tried to protest again but Sia cut him off.

" Andrew Please! Go home! leave me alone " She cried out. Justin pulled her into him.

"She's right. Come on, let's leave," Alisha spoke for the first time after getting slapped by her sister. She tried to pull Andrew by his shoulder, which resulted in Andrew freeing himself from her hold with such force that she stumbled back. Andrew furiously walked back into his car and took off.

Everyone witnessed Alisha trying to hold back her tears but she did not dare say another word or look up. she quietly walked back to her car and drove off.

Sia's heart broke at her sister's condition but when she left, she took a sigh of relief.

It was over. Well for now.

Turning around, she faced Justin but this time looked past him at Aaron.

This woman was something else. How can a person do so much for a stranger? She was an angel.

It almost reminded Sia of that one Justin Bieber song that goes  'God send an angel to help you out, He gave you directions..'

Sia smiled at Aaron softly before walking towards her and engulfing her in a hug.

"You're an angel. thank you," she said.

" Come on let's go in " Fay whispered from beside them. They pulled apart, smiling at Fay before going back into the house. Just at the door, Sia stopped, making Aaron and Fay stop too. She told them to go on before closing the main door and finally turning around. 

There was one last thing, definitely not the least that she needed to take care of. 


Turning around she saw him still standing at the same spot, His hands in his pocket as he looked at her. His lips slightly; turned upwards as if he was expecting her to turn around for him causing her to smile back before she walked back to him. He followed her actions. Both of them walked towards each other till they were so close even their chests were touching. He took the liberty of resting his big hands on her tiny waist which she gladly allowed before holding onto his shoulders.

" Are you okay? " Sia whispered, her minty breath touching Justin's face given their proximity.

" I thought you'd never ask" Justin replied. Sia looked down feeling her blood rush to her cheeks. Justin used his index finger to raise Sia's chin and make her look into his eyes. 

"Do not look away from me," he said. His voice was so raspy that it made her knees go weak. It was kind of absurd how both of them had gone from feeling annoyed, irritated, and sad (not at each other though) to feeling nothing but pure affection for one another. Before she could respond, he held her gaze.

He joined their lips.

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