Chapter 26

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Third person :

"What the hell , why'd I say that " Justin muttered to himself as a series of emotions took off in his body

He did not expect himself to react so nosey especially when it came to Sia after he himself decided to avoid her at all cost.

And he surely did not expect Sia to talk back to him the way she did.
He was surprised at first but then it kind of felt content that she is finally becoming vocal about her thoughts and not stammering in front of him or worst running away.

He felt strange when he saw her talking on call this late at night but the feeling got worse when he heard a distant male voice from the other hand.

He wanted to mind his business and get going but he couldn't help but stand and stare at her back.
The moonlight showcased her curves perfectly.  The shorts she's wearing gave him a perfect look of her legs, a couple of stretch marks visible but they looked  beautiful almost making something twitch in his pants.

Justin stop.

And he wanted to. He wanted to stay as far away from her as he could. But
After seeing her laugh when she accidentally entered his room, it took everything for him to not say or do something he might regret later .
But her tear brimmed eyes at the dinner table stirred this wave of emotions he can't seem to get a hold on.

Last time he felt this way was when he saw Emily in the kitchen trying to cut herself


You have a girlfriend for god's sake Justin

Get a grip!

His conscience taunted

Shaking his head , he tried to distract his mind as he went to get the water bottle he came down for in the first place

'This is wrong' the thought kept repeating itself in his mind as he climbed up the stairs.

Stopping at the end fidgeting with the bottle in his hand , thinking about going to the other side of corridor.

To her room to be exact.

Little rays of light coming out of her door displaying she is still awake.

He almost took a step in her direction when his conscience stopped him again

But what will you say to her?

She clearly doesn't want to talk to you right now

He stopped.

Took a huge breath and turned around.

He went back to his room. But stopped at the door as he turned his head sideways looking at the light still coming out of her room , his thoughts having a battle of their own.

What is wrong with you?

Think about Emily and go inside.

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