Guest Coach

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Author's Note:

Holy hell, this was so hard to write. The end is near, friends. Hope you have enjoyed the story so far! Thanks for the comments and love. Please let me know what you think. I really struggled with this and would love to hear your comments. Also, I will be posting 'snippets' & one-shots. If anyone has a ideas/requests, throw them at me. <3


Boston, Massachusetts - March 2018

"Daaaaaa daaaaaa. Daaaa daaaa daaaa. Duuuu duuuuu da. Daaaaaa naaaaaa naaaaaaahhhhhh!" Hunter sang his personal rendition of Seimei loudly across the ice as he twirled in circles. It had now been two weeks since the Olympics, and the children in her class were still reeling from the excitement of the sport.

Isabella couldn't blame them. She was too.

Since the class began some months ago, she had developed a deep fondness for these children. Though their numbers were small, less than ten kids in total, their passion for figure skating was big in spirit. She not only enjoyed teaching these children, but in simply spending time with them.

So, when the night of the men's Olympic free-skate came around, Isabella went the extra mile to spend even more time with them. She had organized a 'late-night' watch party at the ice rink. Most of the kids came, clad their pajamas (except Hunter- who of course was wearing his Seimei costume), and they enthusiastically stayed up past their bedtimes, cheering for the athletes and indulging in an abundance of snacks.

Of course, there were many other skating disciplines they could have gotten together to enjoy. However, Isabella couldn't resist the pull of watching two people she cherished deeply perform--Javier and Yuzuru.

And it had been amazing.

Not only did Isabella delight in witnessing these adorable children fall in love with the sport, just as she had at their age, but to see her loved ones excel was truly mesmerizing.

Javier's performance had lit up the rink with excitement, and Isabella admired how he effortlessly engaged the crowd with his charming personality. She couldn't wait to congratulate him on it, and to congratulate him on the news he shared shortly after the competition- his retirement.

Watching Yuzuru's performance was nothing short of a blessing. His short program had been beauty incarnate, and his free program was just as magical. Despite not being his cleanest skate, Isabella felt an overwhelming sense of pride watching him fight through his injury. The pure joy on his face at the end of the performance had brought tears to her eyes, and even recalling that expression still had the same effect on her now.

Witnessing Yuzuru achieve his dream and solidify his place in history was unforgettable. And, it offered the most candid glimpse Isabella had seen of him since she had left Canada. Even though it was only through a television screen from halfway across the world, she supposed that if she needed any confirmation on how he was doing, that was it- and he looked authentically happy.

She was so grateful for that.

"MISS BELLA, WATCH ME!" Hunter yelled from the edge of the rink as he pretended to do Yuzuru's signature hydroblade, but instead ended up sliding on his butt.

Isabella couldn't help the giggle that escaped out of her mouth as she skated towards the kid, hand reaching outwards and ready to offer.

"Hunter, we are supposed to be gliding. Not hydroblading."

The boy pouted, his cheeks puffing out. "They are similar though."

She squeezed his cheeks endearingly. These kids were so young that it was hard to keep them on track. "I'm not so sure about that buddy. Let's get back to the routine. Follow Myra over there."

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