Security - Extra

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Authors Note: Another side chapter, hope you like it! I love Isabella and Yuzu so much. I am not sure I will ever be able to stop writing about them. Please comment and vote. =)

On a side note, Yuzu is having his own ice show. Lottery starts tonight. Let's pray that the gods of lottery come this way. <3



"Unfortunately miss, I can't let you back here," a man who was twice Isabella's body weight spoke, repeating himself to her for the third time.

Isabella internally groaned. 

She understood how this must have looked- random foreigner at the staff gate saying she is staff, but lacking any identification. She wouldn't have believed herself either.

"There is a misunderstanding, I swear. I am staff as well, kind of. I just left my badge backstage with my purse. If you let me, I can grab it and show you," she pleaded.

The man looked at her with distaste in his eyes.

"You have no idea how many times I have heard that," he spoke firmly, his patience clearly wearing thin for the day.

"I know, but I am telling you the truth! I just left to go pick this up because Yu-one of the performers... forgot it at home. I need to give this to wardrobe." She waved a bag that contained a lump of fabric around.

When the man ignored her, Isabella looked around briefly to see what prying ears may be in proximity. When she saw none she spoke, "It is for the lead performer, you know? It is super important that he gets this soon. He is having issues with his outfit."

The man's patience with her ran out.  His hand moved to rest on the walkie talkie clipped to his belt. "Listen miss. If you do not leave right now, I am calling security and they will escort you out of the entire building."

Isabella bit her lip harshly, her hands clutching the bag to her chest.

She was about to be thrown out of her boyfriend's ice show. Yes, his show. He organized the entire thing and here she was about to be kicked out of the arena with the fabric that he needed for his outfit to be mended. Purse and cellphone-less.

"Bella?" A voice came from behind her.

Her eyes widened, immediately recognizing the Spanish accent of one of her best friends.

She could have cried in relief.

"Javi, you have no idea how happy I am to see you right now."

Javi smirked, adjusting the weight of the bag that was resting on his shoulder. "You are always happy to see me."

"That is true, but especially now," Isabella turned to the burly man who had blocked her passage for the last twenty minutes. She then gestured to the skater standing next to her, a staff lanyard wrapped haphazardly around his wrist. "Please tell this kind security guard that I am allowed to be backstage."

Javi smirked, a mischievous glint making home in his eyes without a moment's notice.

"And if I don't?"

Isabella's mouth dropped open.

"Javi! They have been waiting for me for almost an hour!"

Javier's grin only widened, seemingly unconcerned with her worry.

"What do I get out of it, Bella?"

Isabella did groan out loud this time, her thumb and forefinger coming up to squeeze the slope between her eyes. Today had already been a hell of a day and it wasn't even noon yet.

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