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Author's Note:  Re-writing because I cringe looking back at this story.  In honor of Yuzuru, this commences.  Please leave comments/ vote if you like it.  =)


USA 2016

Isabella sighed, hanging up her desk phone as she ended a conversation with an angry client.  She had only been working at this job for over a month and doubts were already creeping in as to why this was the future she had envisioned for herself.

Her eyes trailed around the room, lined with people at their desks.  Some were talking animatedly on the phone to their clients, others had their faces an inch away from their computer monitor, and others were gossiping to their friends when they should have been working.  

Isabella grimaced as she met eye contact with one of the mentioned gossipers. They whispered something to their friend, and Isabella observed as the friend chuckled, then boldly stared back at her.

Are they gossiping about me now?

Isabella swiveled in her chair, looking to her closest- only- friend inside the office.

"Himari," Isabella whispered to the girl who was frantically typing in the desk next to hers.

The dark haired girl looked up. "What is it?  I'm super busy."

"I know, I'm sorry, but those girls are staring at me."

"So?"  Himari popped the gum she was chewing.  

"It's weird. I think they are talking about me," Isabella continued, fully aware of how stupid she sounded.  Frankly, she wouldn't mind their behavior if they weren't making it so blatantly obvious; it just felt odd.

Himari shifted her gaze to where Isabella was looking. She too watched as the girls across the way looked between their phones and Isabella, sporting amused smiles.

"Maybe they've decided to stop hitting on that poor guy from accounting and are moving onto you," Himari snickered.

"Please tell me you are kid-," Isabella started to speak, only to stop as one of the gossipers started walking towards her.

"Hey there, I'm Ashley," the tall brunette began, a sly twinkle in her eyes. Isabella was well aware of her – Ashley, the notorious office gossip who seemed to have an ear for every snippet of information. "I handle airline bookings. You're Isabella, aren't you? From International Relations?"

Isabella nodded, not sure where this conversation was going. "Yes, I've worked across from you for about a month now."

Ashley brushed off her remark completely. "Yeah, I was just curious," the girl said, flipping her cellphone around to show both Isabella and Himari, "Is this you?"

Isabella's eyes squinted towards the small screen. Her eyes focused on what appeared to be some sort of social media account.  It took a moment for her to discern the video playing until a distinct laughter emanated from the phone's speaker, making it clearer to her.

And then she saw herself, doing a quad on the ice.

"I'm going to post it all over the internet!" Jacob's voice echoed in the office space around her.

Isabella's mouth dropped open, eyes widening.

She all but growled, "He is dead."


Canada 2016 - Toronto Cricket Club

"This video is insane! You have to see this!" Javier Fernandez exclaimed to his coach, who was paying him little to no mind, but instead, was intently observing his skaters.

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