Chapter 13

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Carter knows that pendant! He would know it absolutely anywhere. There is no mistaking it because the same one hangs around his neck, hidden beneath clothes. Tucked safely from view. It's not some mass-produced trinket or something you can just pick up somewhere. No, It is a symbol of a time gone by. Of pain and strife. Of his family. So then, why is it hanging around Amara’s neck?

In the years he has possessed this symbol of his family, I have shown it to no one but Maddox. With his head whirling, he forgets his initial task and seeks him out. He hopes the Alpha will have some answers for him but he doubts it. Maddox admitted to knowing almost nothing about the small Johansen family and they were already trying to keep an ear out for any information regarding them.

The memories of his past are few and fuzzy. He remembers his fathers' voice, his mother's eyes. The last time he saw them is blurry as are most of the memories prior. His vivid recollection starts after he woke up in an unfamiliar room. Carter was brought in by a she-wolf who found him badly hurt and naked in the woods save for his pendant. Without any clear memories to go by, he was healed then taken in by Maddox’s family and raised as one of their own.

With time, he had regained vague bits and pieces but his search for answers continues. Now here is Amara. He had felt familiarity and a connection to her but chalked it up to his loyalty to her as their future Luna and the mate to a man he considers his brother. Protective pack instinct and nothing more. Now, he is questioning that. Knowing Maddox should be in the woods training around this time, Carter makes his way out there.

The training session with my enforcers today was exactly what Maddox had needed after the shitty week he has had. He is a fighter at heart, sitting behind a desk is not his natural habitat. There is a tension that settles into his bones. An ache to fight and connect with the animal within. To bask in testosterone and rage. That need has only intensified lately. His blood boiling for very different reasons.

Maddox damn sure needed a good run after the training so he had shifted and taken off. He kept his mind link open in case something occurred but otherwise let himself run loose and reckless. As Alpha, having the ability to mentally communicate with any of his pack that had been officially initiated would always be a perk. He hadn't been away long when he catches the whiff of someone and instantly knows It is Carter. Any of the guys were at least a mile back so he must be looking for Maddox specifically.

As he approaches, Maddox shifts back. Being naked isn't something shifters are shy about- nor are friends who grew up and played team sports together- It is a normal part of shifting. Being in human form will make it easier to talk and he knows that's exactly what Carter is there for. There's purpose in his stride and a mix between determination and confusion in his eyes. It automatically puts Maddox on high alert.

"What's going on brother?" he calls out as his Beta nears. "I need to ask you something and I need you to be honest". Carter’s face is stony but there are so many emotions written in his eyes that Maddox can't imagine what this is about. Spotting a huge boulder, he takes a seat "Ask whatever you need".
For a second, his Beta hesitates, loosens his tie, and unbuttons his dress shirt. Maddox raises an eyebrow wondering what exactly is going on. That's when he fishes out the ever-present necklace. The pendant is rustic and full of some sort of history. His curiosity is fully piqued now. "Before I showed you this years ago, had you ever seen it before?"

Maddox is not exactly sure what he had been expecting but it wasn't that. He shakes his head slowly, trying to piece together what this could be about. "You had never heard anything to do with it?" Carter asks a little more forcefully. Once again Maddox shakes his head. "As far as I know, No. Carter, What the hell is this about?"

This time he comes before Madds so he is kneeling and they are eye to eye. "Is there any reason why Amara would have one?" Carter's voice is barely a whisper and it takes Maddox a second to register his question. "Amara? What does she have to do with anything?"

Carter’s eyes make a quick scan of the area, making sure they are alone although they both know there is no one even close to their location. "Today, in the library. I went in to look for a document. I had barely stepped foot inside when Amara fell from one of the ladders. I was able to catch her but with the fall, a necklace slipped out from under her shirt. It was an exact match to mine Madd. How the fuck is that possible?"

"Are you sure?" Maddox sees Carter's eyes darken at his question. "Would I be here asking you if I wasn't sure? The moment she realized what I was looking at and that it had slipped out, she hurriedly tucked it back and practically ran out just saying she had to go". His mind is now reeling trying to deduce what that could mean. Obviously, like Carter, there was some reason she hid it.

"As far as I know, Amara is Ulrik and Elsie’s daughter. I have no reason to believe that isn't true know we are lacking information on them. They are an unknown so I have no way to confirm if they have some tie to your past or what they really have going on". Obviously, there's something big they don't know.

"I know it's not a priority but I want to do some digging. She might lead me to the answers I've been searching for".

Maddox knows how much this means to his friend. Looks like things are gonna get a little complicated. He silently ponders on the situation and once again, thoughts of Amara bring up emotions he has to keep at bay, and getting avoided by the little wolf has not made that any easier. This just adds another layer to the enigma that is Amara Johansen.

Destiny Untold - Fated Mates series Book 1Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα