Chaptet 19

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Maddox was up late reviewing pack finances when he felt the distinctive tug that comes with a pack member trying to access the mind link. The hurried words coming from the young boy who he knows to be Jonah, the son of one of their top Enforcers, were more than alarming. Without hesitation, he contacts the Enforcers that should be patrolling and sends them towards the direction given.

He needs to be there when his Enforcers arrive in case the intruders are what he thinks they are. Jonah said Lyam described intruders smelling of ash, blood, and sage. Instantly the meaning was obvious, It's such a specific scent. If you've smelled it you know it's hard to mistake once you encounter it again.

Questions of why his brother didn’t reach out through the link himself or how he knows that scent pop into his head but there will be time to ask later. Shifting into his wolf will give him more speed and heighten his senses which they will definitely need to deal with those fuckers if they really are on their land.

The location in the message is incredibly far out. Further out than most pack members would be at this time which is a relief. Although Jonah and Lyam were there for reasons unknown. Through the link, he informs Carter and Min. While he gave Min the order to come with him to meet whoever is out there, he instructed Carter to protect the pack house and the surrounding member's homes along with a couple of his most trusted guys.

There is no need to alert everyone and cause a disturbance for an unconfirmed threat. Caution is still necessary and a few trusted men should suffice in case there is some emergency. Soon, Min is flanking Maddox and they are joined by the two Enforcers that had been patrolling all in their wolf forms.

Who tipped you off? Do we have any info? Min's voice rings through the link. Lyam sent the message. The location is all we have so we have to tread carefully.

Trees fly by but they are barely noticeable. Their singular focus is that location. The intruders must have been making their way towards the house because he catches onto the scent much sooner than anticipated. It also makes it obvious that they didn't simply stumble into Onyx Moon territory without notice, they had an aim and Maddox doesn't fucking like where this might be going.

Be on high alert, we're gaining on the intruder. Min and I will meet him head-on The rest will flank us on either side to cut him off.

Low growls of affirmation are all that is needed. This is far from his men's first rodeo. Still, unknown factors are dangerous. They break through a cluster of trees and immediately come across their targets. His men get in defensive positions while Maddox shifts to confront their unwanted friend.

There is only one rogue but Maddox knows better than to underestimate one of the ulfhednar. The man has pale skin looking almost translucent in the moonlight. There is an eerie smile upon his lips and zero tension in his body. It infuriates Maddox and makes his blood boil. It's as if he is mocking them, clearly unperturbed at their arrival.

"Are you aware you're trespassing on private territory?" Maddox demands, voice thundering in the night but the rogue's smile only widens as if amused by his question which only serves to further irritate them.

"Yes Sir Alpha. I am, in fact, fully aware. I'm humbled to have you greet me personally."

The growls from his men grow louder but they stay in position. No one is to move unless their Alpha gives the order. "Does that mean you have business with me? Usually, those who don't have a death wish make it a point to get in contact instead of marching right in." The rogue doesn't seem at all fazed by his thinly veiled threat and it's pissing Maddox the fuck off.

"Announcing myself would have defeated my purpose for being here. I had two orders from my Alpha. One happens to be finding out just how easy it is to breach the Onyx Moon territory." With his admittance came Maddox’s order. Before the rogue could even think of escaping, the two Enforcers lunge. One catches his leg just as soon as he attempts to back away. The other clamps down on his shoulder bringing the rogue to his knees.

Now Min has shifted back into human form and stands behind the now considerably less cocky shifter. He's boxed in at all sides. Squatting down puts them nearly face to face, Maddox tries to hold back his want to kill this intruder that threatens the safety of his pack. Unfortunately, there is more information they need to get out of him.

"Then what, pray tell, is your second reason for disrespecting our rules?" An insufferable smirk may still grace his face but the pain he tries to hide is evident. Maddox can hear sharp canines digging into bone, breaking through muscle. "Why? to look in on the princess of course."

"The princess? What the fuck are you talking about? Speak, you demon!"

The rogue's smirk deepens but he says nothing. Maddox commands his Enforcer to add pressure but it is obvious the asshole doesn't plan on saying anything else. For the first time, he looks down at his right hand, in its grasp is a ribbon with tiny wolf print stitching. The rogue follows the Alpha’s gaze and chuckles knowing it has been spotted. Twisting his fist open, Maddox yanks the ribbon out.

"This princess you seek, was this how you planned to find her?" He can’t say he is surprised when the bastard does nothing but laugh although his eyes confirm his suspicion.

"The three of you, take him to the dungeons and throw him in a cell. Perhaps after a little chat with Kane, our friend will be a little more talkative." Kane is a top Enforcer and their best interrogator. Few meet with Kane and stay quiet for long.

Through the link, Maddox informs the Enforcers meant to take the next shift of the situation and orders them to begin a full sweep earlier than expected. They are also told to bring in additional men to make sure they are covered. The additional men are told of an intruder and possible threat but not any specifics including the fact that the trespasser is possibly a ulfhednar.

For now, that information is on a need-to-know basis. Maddox doesn't believe anyone else will come tonight but they need to be sure. Beefing up security will give everyone peace of mind until they get the rogue to talk. Until then, it will be better not to alarm the pack members to anything being wrong. They need answers first and quick. So much of this makes no sense.

Destiny Untold - Fated Mates series Book 1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora