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EDIT: Brand new epilogue! Now the story is officially wrapped up and the sequel will start getting posted soon. Hope the story has a more satisfying end now.

 A blanket of white covers as far as the eye can see, trees frosted over, animals settling in for a long slumber. Two figures break up the landscape, breaths visible in the cold air as they trudge through the snow. Life was chaotic for a while after the events of the raid and Amara's kidnapping. So much had been revealed that it left everyone trying to find their footing and finally, it seems as if they are settling into a new normal. New, and different, but not bad.

"You know, you could have had the decency to find your mate after I got to take on the role of big brother. How was I supposed to carry out my duty when I never even got the chance to threaten Maddox? I missed out on an entire rite of passage. Honestly, no consideration" Carter jokingly grumbles and Amara laughs, bumping his side with her shoulder.

"I'm terribly sorry to disappoint. If it makes you feel better, I'll pretend you would have actually given your best friend the shovel talk when we both know it's a lie" she retorts teasingly which earns her a flick on the forehead. Banter with Carter had come naturally. While it was a shock at first, they had easily settled into a sibling relationship as if they had always known each other. Carter had become someone she could always turn to. A rock when she felt herself drifting.

To say she had been unaffected by the kidnapping and everything else would be a massive lie. Some nights she still wakes up sweating and disoriented from a nightmare. Maddox is always there to comfort her but sometimes she just has to get up and walk, unable to stomach going back to sleep. On those nights, she often finds herself sipping on hot chocolate while talking to Carter, voices barely a whisper in the dead of night.

It had been easy for Amara to forgive Lyam, his heart was in the right place. Her friend forgiving himself though, that seems to be a slow-going process. They often have candid talks and in many ways, it brought them even closer together. Beautiful things can come out of awful situations. In this case, there were many. Carter and Silas being the two big ones for her.

Silas had become another pillar in Amara's life. Always understanding and serene. His calming aura always soothes something deep within her, helping center her. The older man had eagerly jumped into Amara and Carter's lives, sharing stories and pictures with them. Amara had wanted him to join Onyx Moon officially and Silas had been happy to but it would have to wait.

"How are you feeling about starting up your training?" Amara asks and Carter sighs. He is still unsure about his decision. In his heart, he wants to train under Silas and their uncle, King Danso, who they have yet to meet. It is a part of his and Amara's legacy, following in his father's footsteps and protecting their people. Still, it is a heavy responsibility to take on.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be. It is the right thing to do even if a part of me just wants to stay here as Madds Beta. I have more family now, more people tying me to Onyx Moon. I guess we'll see what happens. I'm just glad Silas will be with me through the training. You running off on your adventure kinda helps kid. At least I know I won't be missing out on spending time with you while you're off gallivanting across the world. I doubt Madds is all that happy though."

"He is...supportive. Would he rather have me close by, especially after everything that happened? Definitely. But, he knows this is important to me. We love each other but we both understand that we are our own people, independent of each other. To feel fulfilled as a pair, we have to be fulfilled in ourselves as well. Maddox had the chance to be sure of who he is, I'm still getting there. I'm gonna miss everyone like crazy but I think it'll make me happier in the long run. I don't wanna have regrets in the long run, ya know?"

Carter nods, throwing his arm over his sister's shoulders "I get it, and for what it's worth I think you are making the right decision. You and Sina better be smart though, always put your safety first. I may think this is a good idea but it does not mean that I don't hate you two traveling around without extra security." He just found out he has a sister and the love and protectiveness he feels for her is so immense that it sometimes blows him away. It came naturally to him even before the whole truth was revealed. The thought of Amara getting hurt again terrifies him more than he is willing to admit.

"Yes yes, we'll be safe dad" Amara playfully replies then takes off running, her laughter filling the chilly air when Carter gives chase. Her cheeks are flushed from the cold, eyelashes white from the slowly falling snowflakes. Her lungs burn from inhaling the frigid air but she feels alive and carefree, nightmares and lingering darkness swept away from her mind in these moments of simple joy.

"DUCK!" a voice calls out and Amara instinctively follows the order. Dropping down, she looks up in time to see a snowball fly over her head and hit Carter square in the face. The momentary shock breaks when laughter seems to bubble out and she has to hold her side from laughing so hard. Wiping her eyes, Amara yelps when a snowball gets thrown her way and sees Min and Scottie with matching devious smirks. Carter and Amara share a look, silently deciding to team up. That's when all hell breaks loose.

Their brutal snowball fight draws in more and more people until most of the younger portion of the pack has joined the fray. Individuals and pairs get split up into two separate groups. Amara and Carter's team versus Min and Scottie's. Amara pulls Kaede and Sina to their team while Alesha joins up with Min to cause maximum chaos. It goes on for hours until they are all panting from exhausted and soaked to the bone from being pelted with snow. Still, it's a satisfying kind of tired even if no one can agree on which side won.

"You guys done? You're all just lucky I was busy or I woulda kicked all your asses" Elsie's voice cuts in, arms crossed over her chest while leaning against the large pack house porch railing. Ulrik, Fia, Silas, Maddox, and a few others are sitting outside. Apparently, they had been watching the epic battle. "Those are big words. You'll have to back them up next time" Amara calls back with a big grin stretched across her face. At this point, her cheeks are aching from how much she has been smiling.

Everyone who participated in the snowball fights starts to trudge out of the snow and into the warmth where they can change and heat up. Carter and Min ruffle Amara's hair as they pass by her, she swats their hands away which only makes them chuckle. Sina waves since she decided to go home while Scottie is pulling Lyam into the pack house.

Amara hugs Fia and her parents, including Silas, then jogs up to Maddox, plopping down onto his lap and wrapping her frozen arms around his neck. Her Alpha kisses her gently as she relishes in the warmth practically radiating off of him. "Come on little wolf, let's get you warmed up" he whispers and stands while easily carrying her.

These are the moments Amara will think about when she is out there with Sina in some foreign country and missing home. There are only a couple of weeks left until they head out and Carter leaves for his training and she plans to cherish every last second she has with the people she cares about. Despite the hardships, and the healing they still have left to go, life is good and Amara can safely say she has never felt happier or more loved. No matter what happens they will take it on. Together.


Destiny Untold - Fated Mates series Book 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن