Chapter 14

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After a good fifteen minutes of searching around, Amara locates her parents lounging in the backyard with what looks to be a couple of glasses of white wine. As she approaches, her dad looks back with his usual easy smile and waves her over. she kisses them both on the cheek and sits on an empty chair.

            "She's alive! our only daughter finally graces the outside world with her presence” Ulrik jokingly teases which earns an eye roll from her. Amara can't help but giggle which was obviously his aim in the first place. Elsie swats his arm with a small smile on her face. "Ignore the old man. Being an ass seems to be his new full-time hobby. Got any plans for the rest of the day, brat?"

            Amara loves how comfortable and close her parent's relationship has always been. Any time she's with them she feels like a kid all over again, in a good way. "Actually that's why I was looking for you. We haven't been into town at all and pamper day might be nice. No daddy of course". Elsie cackles and her dad pouts but it’s all in good fun. "That's a perfect idea! Gonna start getting cabin fever if we’re just stuck in here. I’m sure Rik will find something to do while we go have fun" she grins at him and Rik flicks her arm in return.

            Her mom's excitement is infectious and it brings a huge smile to Amara’s face. Elsie looks towards Ulrik who covers his pocket as if protecting his wallet. Amara laugh at their familiar antics, she had missed this more than she had realized. "Forget your father, we’re gonna have a kick-ass time. I’ll grab my bag and we can head out".

            Getting up, Dad walks out with them to hug his girls. "Remember to be back for the get-together". Amara looks at him questioningly. she doesn't remember hearing about a get-together. "There's a get-together tonight?" she asks now curious what it's for.

            "The one Onyx Moon pack has each month. It's out back so everyone can mingle and eat together while the kids play. There was a big announcement about it earlier in the week". Amara rubs the back of her neck, she either tuned it out or ate alone in the library that day while avoiding people getting some reading done.

            Her dad flicks her forehead lightly "You need to pay more attention kiddo. Now that we are settling in, you need to be more aware of what goes on in the pack". She just nod her head and gives him another kiss on the cheek "Got it, old man, we'll see you later" she laughs and moves out of his reach, jumping into the car so they can drive into town.

            Amara turns the radio on but keeps the volume low so it is easy to talk over. "You and dad seem to be liking it here". Elsie smiles her way but keeps her eyes on the road "It’s not bad. Pack life isn’t a thing we were used to anymore. It has its up and downsides I guess. Either way, we know coming here was the best choice/"

            Looking at her mom, she should really have spent more time considering what it must be like for them. Her parents never talk about their past. Not specifics anyway. Still, Amara knows they were pack wolves at some point and something happened to push them towards the nomad lifestyle. And yet here they are, right back in a pack.

            "Did we move here because of me?" she asks, feeling more pieces come together. They had left their previous pack whether by choice or circumstance. Throughout her childhood, they had never even mentioned joining a new one as a possibility. Amara hadn’t imagined them doing so but...they would do anything for her well-being so that must play a role somehow.

Destiny Untold - Fated Mates series Book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant