■ |𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 - 4|⁠ ■

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Glimpse of the part ..❤️

Riddhima points gun towards Vansh...

Kabir is dead ...



He walks out of the room... locking her..alone in the room..

Riddhima shouts from behind while crying...

Riddhima - please..Vansh ..kholo ...Maaf kardo...Choado please......vanshhhhhhh....!!!

She struggles with her handcuffs which were tied to get rid of them..but alas..! Not of any use..!!

Her voice was audible to Vansh yet he didn't care..and walked so fast.. Keeping his face still as he didn't cared...

Riddhima - Vanshhhh........!! Van...vansh...!!

She shouts ..
in the room but no one was there to listen her ...

Reaching downwards.. Vansh stops in his ways...

A lone tear escapes from his both eyes..his eyes were wet...

Who told Ruthless mafia doesn't have feelings..Nahh..they have ..it's just they don't show it...

Treating her like this.....hurted him most...That no one can imagine... being betreyed by all till now was enough for him...he can't allow anyone to Behave or broke his trust always..like Ragini did..she just loved him for only Money....like his mother did..She Passed away .. without fulfilling her promise that she would be always with him...

that's why he doesn't show any of his soft side to anyone...bcoz he know he is always weak in emotions ....he Don't let his emotions overpower him..

He don't allow anyone to make him..happy

But...after Many years...

He felt like..he should give chance for his emotions.
For his happiness.... seeing riddhima first time..As if he has got his mother back in Riddhima..so he married her in hurry..

He just wanted to be always close to her...like he used to be with his mother....he wanted anyone would come in his life..that he can forget all the pain he got in his life...Only he wanted to be close enough with Riddhima and sleep a good sleep with her...


Maybe he didn't Tell all his feelings..but his care should have told her ..She knows till the date ..if she would get hurt..he was the one ..who used to apply medicine on it...

Still she didn't loved him...but he felt it's okay...One sided love wouldn't be always gets successful..

But after doing all this..what he got in return...A BETREYAL AGAIN...!

Maybe this time he would end all his emotions in him..like care , like love , like happiness..After Riddhima..

He broke the window glass in front of him...The pieces of glass can identify..can depict that...in how many parts he is broken now ...

Angre - BOSSS....

listening angre's voice..he immediately took a deep breath..and controlled all his emotions and was again back to the earlier Mr DEVIL VANSH RAI SINGHANIYA..

Vansh who was facing back to him... turned and gave a faint look and angre got worried seeing him like that...But he know his boss is strong enough to handle all the situations..

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