Chapter 3: Mistress

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"Lady Matilda! Such an honour to have you here," said Mr. Sterling, with a deep bow.

Lady Matilda returned a faint nod. Antony couldn't help but stare at her; their eyes met. Her face was composed, a mask that she always wore in public. Antony had spent enough time learning to read her emotions. Her ears gave her away; now they were dull pink.

Lady Matilda was flushed on catching Antony ogling her. Antony resolved to take his eyes off her, but he seemed to have lost control long before. At the moment, neither his body nor his soul belonged to him. It was hers, it always has been.

Antony mustered his courage for the hundredth time to strike a conversation with Lady Matilda. But his strengths waned with every inch he moved towards her. He sulked in a corner watching her socialise, with his original plan to get to know Frances long forgotten.

Lady Matilda Bliver was the only daughter of Lord Alfred Bliver who owned the largest shipping business in England. He was rumoured to be wealthier than the crown.

Antony remembered the first time he met Matilda. He was visiting Liverpool following the letter from Lord Alfred Bliver. His heart and soul must have felt her presence even before his eyes. Words failed him even then, just like every other time he met her.

Antony's father was a friend of Lord Bliver. His maternal relatives persuaded his gullible mother to spend all her wealth after her husband's passing. Antony had to become a grown-up and look after his mother.

Lord Bliver offered to help and Antony was relieved to have found such a wealthy sponsor. But everything changed once he saw Lady Matilda.

She was unlike the ladies of the town. She ran her father's shipping empire, earning her the title Trade Princess. She was confident and intelligent; a woman who spoke her mind; a woman who fought for her conviction; the qualities that men didn't want in their women. The same qualities that enchanted Antony into falling for her deeper.

Antony rejected Lord Bliver's offer to sponsor him. He had to earn his place before asking for Matilda's hand. He didn't want to be indebted to Lord Bliver.

Hence, Antony's life of espionage started. He discontinued education for two years before he could afford to continue in Oxford. Though he didn't make any attempts to meet her again, she occupied his heart and mind all the time. He longed for a day when he would finally be able to call her Tily.

"She is Mr. Cottle's new mistress," Antony heard some old women gossip, but his mind was elsewhere.

"What does her husband have to say about it?" the other woman said. Both giggled.

"Mama, what is a mistress?" someone asked.

Antony snapped out of his trance and looked around. It was none other than the infamous Miss. Frances.

Antony knew the conversation was about to get interesting. Mrs. Hill and Lady Smith had already turned white.

"It's for grown-ups' ears only."

"Mama, you said I am a grown-up and should act like one, yesterday."

Lady Smith said in a patronising voice, "It's where men go to please-"

"Mary!" scolded Frances' mother.

"Like theatre or musicals?" asked Frances.

"Yes, just like that, dear," said Mrs. Hill in a relieved voice as she glared at Lady Smith.

"I wish I could have a mistress too," said Frances sadly.

Before her mother could find a response, Frances exclaimed, "Isn't that Lady Matilda?"

"Yes, but stay away from her," warned her mother.

"Why? I like her."

"Don't forget that she is the reason we travelled to London. Was it not her idea that got you in trouble in Liverpool!"

"Mama, it wasn't her idea. I-"

Mrs. Hill hissed, cutting Frances short. "I see Lord Edwin is attending today, I give you permission to Waltz with him in case he asks."

"Mama, I don't want to waltz with Lord Edwin," Frances begged.

"Why not?"

"He said he hates kippers!"

"Frances, you are going to dance with him, not his dinner plate," snapped Mrs. Hill.

"I have a feeling he is taken with you. As far as I know, he is an honourable man and will treat you fairly. Countess Frances! Has a good ring to it," said Lady Smith.

"All the more reason not to waltz with him, Mama. My father owns a fishery. How can I marry a man who hates kippers!"

Weirdly though, Antony had to agree with Miss. Frances. She had a point there.

Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Smith proceeded to berate her. She looked like a damsel in distress, now more than when she was about to be murdered. Antony decided to act the hero.

"Greetings, Lady Smith," Antony said, bowing slightly.

Lady Smith's disappointed face switched to a delightful grin making Antony reconsider if he did the right thing. Apparently, Lady Smith now considered pairing him with Frances.

"Mr. Bennet, May I present to you Miss. Frances Hill," said Lady Smith, almost shoving Frances in front of him, who was too busy to notice the exchange.

"Miss. Hill," Antony mumbled and kissed her knuckles.

"May I have this dance?"

She looked at him surprised, only noticing him now. She nodded and offered her hands. Antony saw Lady Smith's eye gleam as they walked away.

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