Chapter 30: Insufferable

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"I am not getting on that horse with you," Amelia said resolutely. It snowed earlier in the morning.

"You can't walk in the snow until the roads are cleared you can't hire a carriage too," Antony said. It sounded condescending to Amelia, but common reasoning to Antony.

"I can walk."

"You are being insufferable," Antony hoisted her up against his horse and climbed after her.

"You-!" was all she managed before her senses got muddled by his closeness and warmth.

Antony was taking her to the new property he was planning to purchase, it was a one-hour ride from London.

"You can sit comfortably you know, you are making it difficult for both of us."

Amelia shook her head and tried to sit as far from him as possible.

"Do you like to infuriate me deliberately?" Antony said and pulled her closer to him.

"You stole the words from my mouth."

"You are not only making it difficult for me but for Willow as well," Antony said, patting his horse's mane.

Amelia wriggled, Antony pulled her closer making her sit on his lap again. She could swear Antony heard her maddeningly traitorous heart going haywire.

"Better!?" he said hotly against her ears.

The journey was excruciating. Her back to his front, feeling his hot breath against her neck. His warm hands were around her waist. All she wanted to do was scream, "Just kill me now!'

Antony held her far too long than necessary as he helped her down. "Geesh! Amelia, get a grip," she scolded herself as her heart which was already thundering did a double-take.

"Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Bennet," greeted Mr. Thompson, the owner of the property.

The cottage was in the outskirts of London. The garden surrounding the house was large, it was not trimmed and maintained with decorative plants typical of wealthy households but with fruits plants and old elm trees.

Amelia could already imagine her kids playing in the garden and climbing the old trees.

Mr. Thompson showed them around. It was a cosy house that somehow reflected Antony's personality. Simple, rugged, wild, and beautiful.

Mr. Thompson noticed Amelia's soft smile as he said, "I see the Lady likes the cottage."

"Yes, particularly the garden. The elm trees make me feel like we are in the country."

"My wife also prefers the country, that's why I built this cottage for her. My children enjoyed climbing the trees, but time flies."

"Yes, this seems like an ideal place to build one's family," said Amelia, smiling softly.

"It's bittersweet to watch your kids grow. Happy they grow but sad at the same time."

Amelia stole a glance at Antony, but he was looking at her oddly. What was it? Pity? Regret? Sorrow? Or was it all? Does he still feel sorry for the loss of his first love? Does he still want to build a family with Lady Matilda?

Amelia looked away as a hot, angry tear pricked her eyes. She felt like being stabbed by a rusty knife. "No, I will not cry for you or anyone," she swore.

"Excuse me, would you mind if I explore the garden?" said Amelia, wanting to get away from there.

"Of course not, allow me to call a maid to accompany you."

"It's fine, Mr. Thompson. I will accompany her," Antony cut in.

Amelia glared at Antony before stomping away. Antony followed her without a word.

"Will you stop following me around?" she shouted.

"Just wanted to ask you what you think of this cottage. Do you like it?"

"Why do you ask like my opinion matters."

"I thought you would like this cottage. If not we can check others."

"Do whatever you want as you always do."

Amelia turned to leave only to be pulled back by Antony.

"Why are you angry?"

"I am not, let go," Amelia tried to wriggle out of his grasp.

"Amelia, tell me what is wrong."

"Just let go, Antony, I want to be alone."

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Why don't you go and ask your precious Tily?" Seeing Antony's annoyed glare she added, "Are you going to strangle me again? Am I not allowed to say her name with my dirty little mouth?"

Antony was furious, he didn't understand why Amelia was angry. Does she get a thrill from infuriating others? He had seen her scoff at her father and Emma innumerable times. Did he become her new target? He thought he was a good judge of character, but was he wrong about her all along?

"You are not worth the dirt in her shoes," he bellowed back, she looked like he slapped her.

"If you don't want me here, why did you bring me? Why did you marry the dirt then?"

"Like I had a choice in the first place," Antony shouted back.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Like you already don't know."

"Just leave me alone!" Amelia bellowed and walked into the garden. She slumped under a tree. Hugging her legs she cried. She decided she has been foolish to think she meant anything to him.

Antony didn't know what made him say such harsh words to her. He never treated anyone like this his whole life. Amelia! He thought her name bitterly, she had always managed to bring out the worst in him. He felt like a jerk for treating her that way. He didn't know what made him strangle her that day nor his harsh words today.

He followed her silently and stood hidden watching her cry. He wanted to comfort her, but knowing Amelia she would only be more furious. Why did she mention Tily out of nowhere? The cottage had no connection whatsoever with Tily. 

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