Chapter 7: Hate

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The Brent castle being spread across a colossal area didn't help much in securing the place. It was easily the largest castle in London and Antony didn't know who his colleagues were except for a few, which made his job twice as difficult.

Antony reached the castle well ahead of the auction to have a thorough sweep and to know its layouts better. To his surprise, Carmella beat him to it. She was clinging to the arms of Marcus, and for the first time in his life, Marcus looked uncomfortable standing next to a woman.

"Will you give me a tour of this lovely garden, my Lord?" she asked, batting her eyelashes.

"I am sorry I can't. I am rather busy at the moment," said Marcus trying to free his hand from her clutches.

"I don't want to be alone, we could be quick about it," she said suggestively running her hand over his navel.

For once, Marcus seemed immune to her charms. "No, I can't."

Antony decided to intervene, he didn't want to stretch his luck or Marcus' newfound resistance.

"Marcus!" greeted Antony.

"Antony, glad you are here. May I request you to escort Miss. Carmella back to the ballroom. She seems to have difficulty finding the way."

Antony was only too delighted to have his job made easy. He offered his hands and walked her to the ballroom.

Once out of Marcus' earshot she said, "I don't want to trouble you, Mister. I can find my way back to the ballroom."

"It's no trouble at all. It's a great honour to escort my most favourite singer," said Antony, putting on a simpering face

"I need to use the toilet."

"There is one in the ballroom. I shall show you once we reach."

"No, I will use this one," she said, pointing to a door behind them.

"Then, I will wait outside for you."

"It might take ages, please you don't have to wait-"

"No, no, I promised Lord Marcus that I would escort you. I cannot leave a pretty lady unaccompanied," Antony said, putting on another simper.

She became increasingly irate as she marched into the bathroom.

"You are not getting rid of me today," he mumbled, congratulating himself.

Antony became aware he was having a spectator. His heart thumped madly as Matilda glared at him before turning and stomping off. His smugness for outsmarting Carmella immediately vanished.

After making sure Carmella was with the rest of the performers, Antony took a turn and read the ballroom. He wondered for the hundredth time why Lord Wincent Paulen would work as the head of the British intelligence service; he was duke of Brentwood, the richest dukedom in England.

Antony made his way to Frances as she walked into the ballroom, looking around at everything with a childlike wonder. He knew Marcus would want him to accompany her in his absence.

"It's been so long since we met, how are you?" asked Antony

"I'm fine Mr. Bennet. How are you?"

"Call me Antony. You are Marcus' fiancé, it's only right," said Antony with a smile. Antony was relieved that Marcus had finally come to his senses and got engaged to Frances.

"You know!" she said with a blush.

"Yes, Marcus told me. Congratulations."

"Thanks, we are just waiting for the right time to announce it."

Antony offered his hand to Frances and asked, "Shall we take a turn?"

The items donated for auction were displayed with a name card indicating their significance. A footman stood near each item and took the bid amount.

Frances suddenly stopped, "Antony, let's not go that way."

She looked scared, Antony immediately pulled her the other way. Securing her in a corner, Antony quickly wrapped his hand around the pistol and scanned the area.

"Will you tell me why we are avoiding that side?" Antony asked, studying their surroundings and checking for all possible threats.

"Antony," Frances called, but he just realised Carmella was no were to be seen. He gave subtle hand signals to the other agents, who immediately left searching for her.

"Antony, it's really nothing," said Frances. But he looked at her dubiously.

"Well! If you must know, there is an item I have donated. I would rather not go that way."

Antony relaxed as he noticed Carmella was back again.

"Why are you so jumpy today?" Frances asked.

"It's nothing," replied Antony

Frances noticed Matilda, looking at them. Frances smiled. But she glared at Frances with such vehemence that Frances was taken aback. Lady Matilda turned her back on them and walked away. Antony chuckled and shook his head.

"What was that about?" wondered Frances.

"Oh! don't mind her, the glare was for me," said Antony.

"You know Lady Matilda?"

Antony just nodded, "Come on, I am curious to see what you have donated."

"I would rather wait here," said Frances reluctantly.

Antony proceeded to take a look at Frances' donation. It was a beautiful wooden carving so intricate that Antony's mouth fell open. It must have cost Frances a fortune.

The wooden carving portrayed a couple riding a horse, through the fields with deers grazing. It was even better than Rosso's works. Antony stood transfixed.

"It's wonderful, must have cost you a fortune," exclaimed Antony

She hesitated before saying, "I made it."

Antony couldn't believe Frances could create such a masterpiece. It was good enough to be displayed in the national art gallery. Frances gave her typical child-like smile looking at Antony's awe.

But the evening did not remain innocent for Frances. Lady Martha Paulen, Marcus' mother, never approved of Frances. She strongly assumed Marcus has gotten engaged much below their family standards, and Frances was the reason behind her son's delusion. Apart from the spiteful comments she made with every opportunity she got, she went to the extent of seating Frances along with Marcus' past mistresses at the auction. Antony couldn't stand to watch Frances turn sour realising she was the unwelcome guest. With tear-filled eyes, she silently left the place. Antony turned livid; if Marcus cannot protect his fiancé for one night from his mother, he had no right to marry her.

Antony couldn't wait to be done with the tiresome evening. The auctioned items and the winners were being announced. "And our highest bid item for the evening- The New Beginning. This masterpiece portrays young lovers riding through the deer park. May I call upon the stage, the most generous Lady Matilda Bliver who has bid thirty thousand pounds for this wonder, and the donor Miss. Frances Hill." The crowd murmured as the presenter ended with the name of the unfamous donor.

Matilda's face which was always a mask contorted in anger.

"Miss. Hill, can we have you on the stage please."

Everyone looked around searching for Frances, "Since Miss. Hill is not present, I request Lady Martha Paulen to take her place."

The ladies on the stage sported deep scowls. If Matilda didn't hate him before, she would surely do now, thought Antony bitterly. Marcus' eyes tear up as he saw the portrait.

Looked like both friends' love life was doomed. 

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