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For the first weeks of December, Alice was frazzled, worried.

Bella was risking her life and she didn't know why. She couldn't understand why.

One thought passed through my mind as I returned from a hunt with Tanya and Irina, a blonde from the Denali Coven too. I liked Irina, but she could a bit annoying as she asked too much about Edward. She had been another attempt of Carlisle and Tanya to bond closer our covens, trying to get them together once but they clashed. They weren't mates, but Irina had liked Edward as if forming a crush on him. I didn't like it.

"Could it be possible this is her way to hurt being so away from Edward?" I asked Carlisle after getting rid of the mess and the bloodied clothes from my hunt, my hair down in slight waves.

Carlisle frowned as if thinking on this. "It could be. I've never seen a vampire human relationship like theirs before"

"Had Bella been a vampire before meeting Edward, very likely" Emmett pointed out.

"Are they really mates though?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. "She's his blood singer, which he's compelled to resist, FYI. What if it's only that?"

"We don't know" Esme told me softly "She could be. She couldn't. All we know is that this separation is hurting her as well"

"She should move on" Rosalie said coldly, crossing her arms. "And we shouldn't be worrying about a human who, if you have forgotten is under those strays' protection, so even if we wanted to change her, we couldn't without breaking the treaty"

Rosalie, the voice of reason. She was right. Either way, we couldn't turn Bella even if that was her choice.

"Let's not forget the Volturi" I sing sang.

The atmosphere of the room turned tense at my reminder. We were lucky really we hadn't gotten a reprimand from the vamp police. We broke one of the most important rules by letting a human know of our existence and said human wasn't dead nor one of us.

"We'll deal with them when the time comes" Carlisle said tensely and the way he looked at each one of us was serious, and the subject was never brought up again.


By the end of December, Alice couldn't help it anymore, wanting to contact with Bella and plead to her to stop putting her life at risk.

Every week, even I was getting rattled by the time Alice would get a vague vision. Whatever danger the human was getting herself into, Alice couldn't see it properly. It was like a shadow on Bella's future as if something was impeding her to see.

That was more worrriesome for me than the thought of Bella wanting to die, Alice being unable to see the future.

We all looked up at the gasp coming from Alice's lips.

Rosalie sitting next to Emmett looked irritated already. Emmett stared forward blankly, waiting for the verdict on what danger the girl got herself into this time.

At first, Emmett would look surprised and delighted Bella was too bold to do dangerous stuff but with time he began to feel like he wasn't surprised, he even said Bella was becoming predictable and boring with putting her life in danger like that very often.

Esme looked worried, desolation tugging at her expression. She had come to love Bella like one of us, like a daughter so she always looked worried for the girl.

Jasper and I were sitting together, playing a card game.

Alice stared at Carlisle pleadingly. She couldn't see Bella risking her life anymore. She wanted to do something to help.

"No" Carlisle told her. "We promised Edward"

"But she won't do well without us" Alice said, desperately. "I get flashes of her, but they're unclear-"

"Forget her" Rosalie interrupted, annoyed. "Let's drag Edward home"

Two months, almost three without seeing him. Without knowing if Edward was okay. If it weren't by Alice's visions, we wouldn't know he was alive.

"He'll come back when he's ready" Esme said softly and sadly. "After Bella moves on"

"Yes" Carlisle agreed, giving Esme a small smile for her support "When she's living her life, safe from danger-"

"You mean safe from us" Jasper spoke, jaw locked and tense as he placed a card in the table. He did not look up, even while feeling our stares on his profile. He flickered his eyes to meet mine.

I let him. I let him meet my eyes. I've been doing that lately and I haven't compelled anyone.

I nodded in agreement with him, pursing my lips.

Alice suddenly was at Jasper's side, wrapping an arm around him soothingly. Only then did he relax.

"And when will that be?" Rosalie asked, looking at Alice pointedly.

"Can you see him, Alice?" Emmett asked hopefully

We all looked at Alice.

Alice hesitated.

"Alice?" I asked, softly.

Alice closed her eyes as she forced herself to see Edward, her eyes moving under her eyelids, left and right.

"The only decision he's made..." Alice began, pausing. I held my breath (even if it wasn't necessary breathing) as she searched on Edward's future. "... Is to be alone"

I sighed.

For now. I added mentally.

It's been almost three months. And Edward was the type of guy to do reckless and stupid things without thinking.

I really hoped this time wasn't like that, that he wouldn't do anything stupid.

Self-Control [2] (Twilight] Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat