Chapter 3

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One week later

I prop my phone up Ken smiles softly, "so where are going out on a Monday?" He asks I roll my eyes taking my shirt off his eyes widen at the fact I didn't have a bra on I just smirk "I'm in my classroom" he speaks up shaking his head I get my bra on "I'm getting coffee with my friend after this class"

"I don't want to have my next period" he groans I grab my crop top then flannel "how many more periods do you have?" I ask now taking my glasses off "3 more then but I don't teach in my last one it's just a study hall" putting my contacts in we make eye contact "you look beautiful" Ken says softly I blush "I try"

"Who fucked you up Saturday? Because girl I want that! watching you have a little limp at the game sent me" Bridget laughs I play indoor soccer during the off season and I regret going yesterday as I was left weak and sore "it was a guy I met, nothing will probably come out of it he lives about 2 hours out" I take a small sip of the coffee looking around the diner "so how did you meet him?" I shake my head "it was just a random man"

Ken wasn't just a random man no he was my roommate and best friends dad, while I never meet him Elaine spoke highly of her father, and I know if he know how highly he talked about him he wouldn't of slept with me I know that Elaine knows about that day but she doesn't know he and I have texted since we got each other's numbers 

"Oh that sucks I'm happy you had a good time" Bridget says I smile softly "yeah I'm happy I had a fun time also I think it helped me a little" she sighs "well that is really good, have you been seeing the doctor?"

After my two classes I start my walk to the apartment as I pass the people who just blew smoke from their vapes out, I roll my eyes looking back at the couple as I walk up the stairs to the apartment, I hated loved, it may just due to the fact I never received it as a child

"Honey I'm home!" I yell laughing a little taking my shoes off "hey!" Elaine yells from upstairs we had odd apartment one room upstairs one bathroom in her room, then my room was all downstairs but hey what can you do when you have two broke college students?

"So uh you and my dad are still talking?" She asks as she walks into the kitchen I nod softly "we can always stop if you don't like that it hell I'm surprised you still are like talking to me even if you said you were ok with it" I open my laptop up "no you two can still talk I don't mind it! I really don't I mean maybe you both with find happiness out of this and I want that for both of you" I smile softly feeling her arms around my shoulders "I'm going home next week you should come with well dad wanted you to come?" She asks

"I can" she smiles "we are leaving Friday then coming back Sunday night?" She kisses my check "ok" I look over and kiss her cheek then her eyes widen "oh my god I kissed you before my dad!" She laughs I blush and cover my face me and Elaine kissed a couple times to make guys go away at bars and once because of a dare, "oh god that's awful I did that" I whisper she hits my shoulder "it's fine" she laughs even more

"Can we not tell Ken?" I ask softly "I won't tell him" she smirks I knew she was going to just by that smirk "I have to leave for a class I'll see you later"

So I guess I'm going to be staying with you in 2 weeks... Elaine said you invited me?-me

I did invite you! I uh wanted to see you-Ken

We have FaceTimed?-me

Ok? But I wanted to see you in person? -Ken

That is cute, stop-me

How is that cute and why do you want me to stop? Also are you the cute one-Ken

I blush I knew I had to be red looking down at the text I really didn't want him to stop for some reason

It's cute that you wanted me there, I was joking about stopping you can call me anything-me

I do want to see you not just over the phone, and I'll keep that in mind about calling you anything-Ken

My eyes widen and I cover my face blushing harder, god this man really I put my phone down and start to cook up some chicken when my phone rings it was my grandma, I smile at the fact she is calling

"Hey!" I put the phone on speaker "hey honey! Just wanted to remind you in three weeks is your aunts wedding and you have to bring a date" I roll my eyes at her words "Nana she is still getting married?"
"Yes she is even after all that happened with that man's son" she whispers "can I bring my roommate? Or dose it have to be a guy?"

I couldn't ever go to any dances with a girl as friends or with a group of girls because my mom didn't like that people would think I was gay, that's why I'm not open about my sexuality I went to my senior prom with a guy and ended up in bed with his sister who went with his best friend who he was dating we all just hide it from our parents that way

"A guy! Goodness are you asking for people to think you are a lesbian?" I roll my eyes groaning "ok I'll find someone I got to go ok love you"
"Love you honey" I hang up

I put down the plates of food right when Elaine walks in she smiles "I love you so much!" She puts her bag down and sits picking up the chicken I sit with her "I have to find a date to go to my aunts wedding and it can't be a women" I groan "should I just call Alex up and see I know that's bad that he's well my ex"
"No he will think you want to sleep him! Ask my dad" I raise my eyebrow at her

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