Chapter Four

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Third POV

So, Sirius and James, actually did decide to be hidden, it would have been obvious that James was voting from the Potter seat and eventually they would figure out the Black seat was being controlled by Sirius. Dumbledore looked as if he could strike gold at the moment the two walked in to claim their seats. But, what surprised the whole Wizengamot was that the two were actually voting for the neutral side. Sirius and James decided they would vote for neutral, for now, and so would Gryffindor, Peverell, and Grindelwald. Of course, those three seats were the other reason the Wizengamot was shocked, they were just too stupid to realize the connection about all those seats becoming active the same day and that they were all voting for the neutral.

Morgana, of course, couldn't come, but she was being babysat by her companion as the two wouldn't dare leave her alone with Lily. Marlene had taken over for her own house, and so had Frank. The two had noticed what James and Sirius were doing and followed their lead. After the session had finished, the two noticed the Dark families and other neutral families giving them suspicious looks, especially when it seemed the two were avoiding Dumbledore. The two approached Marlene and Frank, "I can't explain it yet, but soon we won't have to hide anymore, start voting neutral and what you really think. Don't keep voting the Light option but not the Dark option yet," James said. Frank and Marlene nodded, "I will pass along the message to my mother and Alice, how is Morgana?" Frank asked.

"Uh, Lily seems to hate her and we got an inheritance test and Morgana's magic disowned Lily as her mother," James told them with the amusement showing on his face. Marlene started laughing really hard, and Frank and James both noticed the look of adoration on Sirius' face. "So how's Neville?" James asked.

"Keeping away from my other relatives like you are with Morgana and Lily. My mother and Alice's father are the only ones we leave him with," Frank said. With him and his wife both being Grey and coming from Light families, they weren't exactly welcoming to the magic Alice and Frank had. Augusta, Frank's mother, doesn't talk to much of the family unless it involved family business from when she took over the House when her husband died.

"James, Sirius, my boys," Dumbledore spoke up, making the group of four cringe. "Good luck," Frank said as him and Marlene almost ran for it. "Dumbledore, we need to leave, we are both busy, and it's Lord Black and Lord Potter to you," Sirius said in a serious voice as they both left.

"Well, I wanted to know how little Morgana is," Dumbledore responded. James took a deep calming breath, "It's Heiress Potter to you, and it's none of your business," James said and walked away leaving the stunned Dark families to watch in silence. Were Potter and Black breaking away from Dumbledore?

James and Sirius landed back at Godric's Hollow, hearing inside, "Where's that little bitch at?" come from Lily. Sirius looked at his best friend, "You need to go to Potter Manor, Lily is going to be too dangerous for your daughter even if she can handle herself, her magic probably isn't very stabilized," he reasoned. James nodded; he also thought Lily was most likely talking to Dumbledore.

"Now where would Death hide Morgana?" Sirius asked. He saw a slight smile appear on James' face and gave him a questioning look. He heard a sound, like fabric being flown through the air as a dark figure appeared out of the corner of his eye, "We're right here," Death said, scaring Sirius so much he pulled a Scooby on James. Sirius looked back at where Death was standing with a giggling Morgana as he was being held by James, who then dropped him.

James opened the door and was faced with Lily who gave him a fake pleasant smile, "James, where is Morgana?" she asked, only for her to be stunned by James. Sirius saw him place a hand on her head and close his eyes, "It has to do with the Loki blessing, he can create a mental illusion and mess with her memories, she'll think Mistress and him have been there the whole time," Death explained.

Okay, let's go," James said, taking Lily's Potter Ring off, and waving his wand. All important Potter artifacts disappeared, except the cloak which went right to James, another being given to Morgana who got her own versions of the Hallows because of her title. All artifacts her replaced with a translucent version. "You're seeing it as translucent because it seems Loki does like you and is letting you see through the illusions, to anybody else, it's solid," James explained.

Then they were back in the Potter Ancestral Home. Sirius had moved back into his old room, deciding to stay there for now and only going to the Black ancestral Home when necessary like his father did. James redecorated the Lord room because he didn't want to be reminded of his parents at that moment. Charlus and Dorea both did have a portrait there and Dorea agreed to fill Sirius in on any information from the House. James had changed up the Heir room, leaving a small bed in the room along with a crib, it was advised that Morgana doesn't change her age so drastically, even if she was reborn and had that ability, her magic was still new to her again. James also put a charm on all her clothes to change with whatever age she put herself as.

James and Sirius were relaxing from the big move, Morgana snoozing on her dad's chest. All was quiet but relaxing until Sirius heard a gasp and turned to find his stiff best friend with completely black eyes looking back at him, "Regulus Black, fifteen minutes," he said, making Sirius' blood run cold.

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