Chapter Twenty Four

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(A/N: This is only being put early for me to check if they all came out in order. As for other stories they will be out this weekend as I can't bring myself to write anymore. Some stories do not have an update and some have a maximum of three. Please no complaints if your favorite doesn't have an update, I did 43 chapters total and I did them COMPLETELY RANDOMLY)

Sirius returned back to the Potter Manor and went back to the dining room. "The twins were taken to St. Mungos and so did the older children who will be looked over. The youngest two are getting DNA tests done," he informed everyone before leaving again. Bellatrix, Narcissa, and Andromeda hurried behind with Regulus stumbling after. They all floo'd to St. Mungos and followed behind Sirius who led them to where Orion was waiting outside a room with a ten year old, and eight year old, and a six year old. The three children were nibbling on some food as they peered into the room. "How are the twins?" Sirius asked and Orion turned, eyes widening seeing his nieces and youngest son came along with Sirius. The three boys also looked surprised at the arrival of the new people.

"They're malnourished, so were these three, but not as bad. I assume Bill was only in the best because he would be going to Hogwarts soon," Orion theorized, the oldest boy nodding to confirm his theory, he was still making sure his two brothers ate more than he did.

"Have they been checked for potions?" Narcissa asked.

"Yes," Orion said looking a bit angry, "Bill and Charlie, the two oldest had Grey with a bit of Dark Cores and had suppressants, Percy the youngest of these three was more Grey, but the twins were darker and had stronger suppressants. Bill had compulsions to go to Gryffindor," Orion had started listing off. "The twins and Bill have been under the Cruciatus curse," he revealed, and the other Blacks could see the slight shaking of Bill's movements. Sirius understood it, he shook and he knew others noticed he shook after his soul merged with previous self. Protecting younger siblings can be a dangerous thing.

Sirius reached forward cautiously, reaching Bill first, who noticed the man's shaky hands. He and his brothers had noticed Sirius seemed more covered up then the others were and wondered why. It wasn't very cold outside, it felt good to them, but Molly always kept the temperature up. "Can I see your hand?" Sirius asked quietly, Bill reached his shaky hand into Sirius' and listened as Sirius declared, "I, Lord Sirius Orion Black III of the House of Black, do hereby accept William Weasley into the House of Black," and Bill felt a rush of a new bit of magic and it settled in him, the others saw the Lord Black ring glow and Regulus' Heir Ring follow with the acceptance of the new member of the House. Sirius observed Bill and chuckled, "I was right," he said.

"About what?" Bellatrix asked softly, knowing her cousin was still jumpy around her—she doesn't blame him, but she still didn't like it.

"The effect of the curse died down, Bill isn't shaky anymore," Sirius pointed out. They did notice Bill calmed down some more and his brothers motioned some of their food to him which he accepted. "Arthur was protecting them; Arthur's mother was a Black. Being accepted into the House strengthened Arthur's magical influence and helped heal Bill," Sirius said.

"So, if you accept Fred and George, it'll help them?" Charlie asked shyly. Sirius gave him a smile and a nod and the three oldest brothers all relaxed some more, even though Charlie and Percy winced some when doing it. Sirius held his hand out for Charlie to take, Charlie grabbed his hand and Sirius spoke, "I, Lord Sirius Orion Black III of the House of Black, do hereby accept Charles Weasley into the House of Black," he declared, and Charlie looked a little bit better to them.

When Sirius turned to Percy, the six year old seemed hesitant and his brothers encouraged him. "You'll feel better," Bill told him. Percy nodded and held out his hand, "I, Lord Sirius Orion Black III of the House of Black, do hereby accept Percy Weasley into the House of Black," and the six year old wore a small smile on his face.

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