Chapter Twenty Five

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(Okay, I'm realizing I need to adjust ages. Morgana, Neville, and Draco are one year old and Luna is less than a year. Pandora is pregnant with a second child. Bill is almost eleven, Charlie is eight, Percy is six, and the twins are three)

"Death?" a raspy voice hesitantly calls out. The owner of the voice patiently waited as he feels parts of him are being reunited once again.

"So, how did you find out you were a Peverell?" a voice drawls. Tom Riddle turns around and sees the being he ended up escaping and saw him standing in the corner.

"Cadmus Peverell showed up," Tom says in a whispery tone.

"Your horcruxes are coming back together and it's bringing your sanity back," Death spoke, "You're also remembering everything Voldemort did, aren't you?" he sees a slight shake of the head. "I will give Voldemort credit, he won't kill a child," Death said, fully knowing the night of October 31st, the upcoming one actually, he would unwillingly try to kill his soulmate.

"Albus NoName will be stopped," Death declared and Tom turns his head slightly in confusion. "Oh, you didn't hear? Apparently the ex-Molly Weasley's two youngest children are not even Weasleys. Aberforth Dumbledore reluctantly took the two in because the House of Black refused to and then disowned Albus," Death gossiped.

Tom's look was a face of shock, so Death continues, "Unfortunately, that means his plans are going to quicken. Severus Snape will come to you with a false prophecy, one to kill your soul mate," he said and Tom freezes, "I can tell you, right now, Severus is a spy for Albus," Tom's fists weakly clench, "Lord Peverell, who has made aware that you gained back some sanity, is letting me inform you that he currently has Peter Pettigrew, Bellatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, and Lucius Malfoy with him and they had also been under suppressants, compulsions, and potions, they have now been cleansed," Death informed.

"Who is Lord Peverell?" Tom asked.

"His daughter is supposed to your equal. Severus Snape is going to be very eager to tell you this prophecy. It claims of your equal having a power that you know not. Look at it from a blood status point. Someone who has defeated you and has recently had a half blood daughter?"

"James Potter," Tom answered after a moment. 'Fleamont and Charlus were Peverells?' he mentally asked himself.

"Yes, he and my Mistress have not actually been living with Lily Evans, an illusion was put up to make her and Albus think so. On top of that, Mistress isn't even a half blood, Lily Evans was adopted," Death said nonchalantly, "Mistress' godfather's father, your friend Orion Black, had just recently recovered from being poisoned by Walburga," he adds.

"Never liked her," Tom says in a whisper.

"Nobody does," Death added, "He has now taken in five of his grandnephews after the death of Arthur Weasley caused by Molly Weasley. They're pretty traumatized from her actions towards all of them."

"Abusive?" Tom whispers.


"Where is Molly?"

"Currently in the Potter dungeons minus the Prewett and Black magic, leaving her almost a squib," Death answered.

"My Slytherin Ring, it has the resurrection stone, but it's one of my horcruxes—sorry—and it has a curse that eats the flesh of the wearer. It shouldn't hurt my soulmate, but I would feel better if you're the one that grabs it. Give Lord Potter the idea to put it on Molly's hand," Tom whispers.

"Lovely idea," Death says with a sly smile. "I will pass along the message."

"How many more?" Tom breathed out.

"Lucius is finding your journal. Sirius Black retrieved the Cup from Bellatrix's vault, Regulus Black was the one that was getting your ring to destroy it before he knew anything about what was going on with you but I saved anyone from being killed by it. Regulus also got the diadem while James was getting the Gryffindor Sword which will help release the horcrux. All we need is your diary, then wait for you to show up. That night my Mistress will carry something that will take the last bit of your soul into it," Death informed him.

"What about her father?"

"I am allowed to give my favored Line protection when needed, he will have my protection and will come back to life," Death guaranteed, "I can detect that you need rest, when you awake, this memory will be blocked from Albus and Snape," he added and saw Tom Riddle relax before he disappeared.

"Nagini," Tom hisses and the snake slithers in, "I want you to hide when Albussss comessss, sssame with Ssssnape. I will come back when recovered," he orders with a guarantee at the end. Nagini doesn't say anything but nods and then tries to give her master some comfort she knew he needed.

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