Chapter 2 : It seems fate really love the idea of me as a rich ojousama

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After living her daily baby life in the Hyuga Clan for almost four months, our lovely mc finally realized once more that she had been reincarnated in another well-off family. 

Although this time her new family seems leaned more into the traditional way rather than modern. 

"Oh my, Hizuki-hime, you're awake my lady. I thought you were sleeping like your twin sister since you didn't cry." A cheerful yet calm voice said.

A probably twenty or more years old woman stood in front of Hizuki's crib. Hizuki didn't know her full name, but she guessed this woman is another Hyuga. Since she's sure her beloved papa won't let any outsider took care of his children. 

Papa and Okaa-sama call her Asui. 

Yes, our baby mc had decided to call her new father (which by the way look extremely hot in her honest opinion, if only he would stop doing that auto-scowl i'm higher than you all expression) papa. 

She thought about calling him in a more formal way, since she remembered that this ninja world is more strict about manners, especially if you came from a high and respected clan. 

But somehow, she got this feel, that if she stopped this plan of her to call Hiashi papa, then the man wouldn't be as doting as her own late daddy in her past life.

Yes, she was always a daddy little girl from her first life. 

Long time ago, it was because her mother would put more attention for her older brother rather than her. But now? She just knew she's gonna have a rough ass and super traumatic life in this household if she didn't win her father heart.

Letting out baby gurgles, while moving around her hands asking to be picked up. She let her eyes wanders into another crib in the room.

Her new older sister. Twin older sister. 

The super shy older sister which ended up having three kids with the anime's main character. 

Hinata didn't stay up for a long period of time. Hizuki always the one who wake up first and went to sleep later. While Hinata would wake up when she felt her sister presence gone and then let sleep claim her back when her eyes met with Hizuki's own eyes.

If Hizuki honestly speaking, she didn't feel that happy having Hinata as her twin sister. Don't get her wrong, she is cute, adorable and all. But she didn't feel the supposed 'twins bond' with her. 

Hinata didn't feel like her twin. 

Maybe it's because they're still little? Who knows? Maybe they'll get closer when they got older. 

Hizuki is way older than Hinata in her real ages anyways. 


Lately, her papa loves to come and visits their room. Much like how their mother have been doing from day one.

The only difference is, while Hanako came to feed them and bring them walking around the compound. 

Hiashi come only to stare into both of them, before making Hinata cry. After staying away from the crying baby (which being coaxed by their mother to 'please stop crying whenever you see your father Hinata') then he would come to Hizuki's crib and carry her with him.

Hizuki feel a little (A LOT) accomplished whenever he would bring her around the compound and meeting some people (some of them are the elders too, wow) as if showing her off to them. 

She likes it thought. She loves the spotlight. 

It's been awhile after all, since in her past life all spotlight always being given towards her older brother. 

Hizuki : The Hyuga's Second PrincessOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant