Chapter FOUR - 2 Years Later

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Chapter 4

"Good morning, lord hokage." Kushina greeted as she sat down in the hokage's basement once again.

Hiruzen nodded as he smiled, watching her sitting down with Minato and his team.

Jiraiya and Tsunade gave their acknowledgments.

"Where's Mikoto and Fugaku?"

"Sasuke will not be appearing for quite a while, we will call them when those memories near, we do not want to burden them with too much knowledge of the future." Tsunade said.

"I see." Minato nodded.

"Let's start." Inoichi stated.

"I missed this place! It hasn't changed one bit!" Naruto stood atop the village on a pillar. His orange jumpsuit had been changed to one with black sleeves and shoulders. He looked taller and more matured.

"Seems like we skipped a few years ahead." Hiruzen said.

"You've become so much more handsome!" Kushina gushed.

"You've grown a lot haven't you, Naruto."


"Kakashi sensei!" Naruto beamed.

"You haven't changed one bit!" Obito looked at the older Kakashi, while the younger Kakashi took in his older self.

Sakura met up with Naruto and quickly gave him a haymaker when he tried to show Konohamaru his new techniques.

"I hope you don't go around teaching my grandson such techniques, Naruto." A blushing hokage said.

"That beauty and strength, it would seem you've managed to raise another Tsunade, no?" Jiraiya added on, earning him a glare from Tsunade.

The scenes passed quickly with Naruto and Sakura teaming up to get the bells from Kakashi and a new mission to save Gaara from the Akatsuki.

"Akatsuki, they might be trouble soon as well."

"Yeah! But it's all good, we managed to save Gaara with Granny Chiyo's help."

"Give sasuke... back..." Naruto ground out, chakra begun to leak from his body, he leapt towards Orochimaru, his body cloaked in the nine-tails chakra. A clawed punch sent Orochimaru flying into the forest.

"My oh my, you've become quite the vessel. Naruto."

"Dude seriously gives me major creep vibes." Obito commented.

"In my presence, don't you dare talk of Sasuke as though he belongs to you!"

The cloak of chakra sprouted three tails and a fierce battle between Naruto and Orochimaru commenced. Orochimaru's mouth opened and a new body crawled out, "You're using the power of the nine-tails and that's all you have to show? You still have a ways to catch up to Sasuke."

The fourth tail started bubbling out.

"Oh, no..." Minato looked on in horror at his son. "The seal around you is weakening."

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