Chapter FIVE - Pain's Attack and Naruto's Birth

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Chapter 5

The battle moved to the mountain sides of Konoha, where Naruto was rampaging in the nine-tails form. Pain used a technique to create an artificial ball of stone in the sky.

"What a powerful technique. To be able to create a miniature moon." Hiruzen commented. "Is this the power of the Rinnegan?"

"More or less." Naruto replied.

"We're inside your mindscape right now, aren't we?" Kushina asked.

"We are."

Naruto sank to his knees, the seal on his stomach exploding to life. The ink on the seal thickened until it started to leak, pooling into a large black circle on the ground. The nine-tails shot out of the floating rock, with eight tails writhing about.

Naruto walked to the gate that held the nine tails and moved to tear off the seal.

"This is bad! It's too late, we're all going to be fox food!" Jiraiya clutched his hair.

A hand grabbed Naruto's hand, the words 'Fourth Hokage' was written on his white cloak. Naruto was tackled backwards with the blonde man.

"The fourth hokage..." Naruto mumbled.

"The seal is set to that if eight tails are released, I'll appear within your consciousness. I didn't want that to happen, I never wanted to see you again, nine tails."

"But I looked forward to seeing how my son had grown, so I guess you could call it even."

"I guess this confirms it, daddy dearest." Kushina purred out, giving Minato a kiss on the cheek.

"Heh..." Minato blushed, rubbing the back of his head.

Rin cooed at the sight while Obito gagged. Kakashi just shrugged as he gave Minato a sly wink.

Minato brought them to a white landscape, "I guess the third hokage never told you. He wanted as little information about the nine tails out in public as possible. If anyone knew you were my son, you'd have been in constant danger. Forgive me, Naruto."

"Dad..." Naruto socked Minato in the gut, "Why did you seal the nine tailed fox in your own son?! Do you know how tough it's been living with that?! I'm happy, I'm pissed as hell, I don't know what to feel!"

He yelled as he cried.

"Someone was hiding in the shadows, controlling the nine tails every move, he too was a shinobi of unfathomable power. I'm sure he'll attack again."

"Was Pain the one who sent the nine tails to attack when I was a baby?!" Naruto asked.

"No, it wasn't him, it was a man from Akatsuki, wearing a mask."

Minato looked at Naruto, who gave him a grim look.

Minato cursed inwardly as he sneaked a glance at Obito, who was still watching the heartfelt conversation between him and his son.

"Stop lumping all this crap on me! If you hadn't noticed, I'm pretty stupid! I'm not even that good of a ninja, and plus-!"

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