Chapter THIRTEEN - Guy vs Madara

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Chapter 13

"Great..." Kakashi rolled his eyes, "Now we're truly doomed. The eternal genin's son has arrived, hooray." He mock-cheered.

"Kakashi, what did I say about making fun of others?" Minato scolded lightly.

"Hey! You and Guy sensei become great friends, like lifelong buddies and rivals too!" Naruto whined.

"Even with more reinforcements, you're all still nothing but rubble. There's nothing you can do now."

Guy looked at Madara for a beat, before breaking out into a grin. Leaping forwards in front of them, he crossed his arms in front of his face, "In other words, it's time for the youthful beast to take charge!"

"Green steam?! That's the seventh gate!" Jiraiya wowed.

"Is opening the inner gates really that difficult?" Kakashi asked.

"Yes, Kakashi." Tsunade waved her hand dismissively, "If you open any gates above the fifth, it'll be a world of pain and injuries. It's been labelled a forbidden technique, because if you're not prepared to open the seventh gate, the amount of pain would kill a person."

"Usually, you'll have to open the gates one by one."

"So, for Guy to open the seventh gate so easily, it must mean he is very skilled." Minato stated.

"What happens if you open the eighth?"

"You'll die." Tsunade answered simply.

Guy charged forwards, aiming a punch at Madara, "Don't touch his staff or the black orbs!" Minato shouted overhead.

"I can't believe Guy is using the eight inner gates..."

"Those aren't human movements." Gaara blocked the wind with his hand.

A large white tiger made from vapor exploded outwards, rocketing towards Madara. The landscape crumbled like paper as the smoke cleared. Guy laid on the ground, half covered in rubble and groaning.

"See? He used a technique that would make him tired, now he's incapacitated on the ground, vulnerable and making his teammates cover for him." Kakashi scolded.

"Just give Guy sensei a moment, he'll show you." Naruto nodded.

"Kakashi, the kunai! I've got to use the Flying Raijin again or that black orb is going to hit him!" But before Minato could reach Guy, he was lifted and moved to safety by Lee.

"Good save!" Minato cheered.

"Guy sensei, are you alright?"

"Yeah... thank you, Lee." Guy groaned.

Kakashi moved to be next to Guy, "Are you okay!?"

"Yeah, only my left arm and some ribs are busted up."

"He says, as though those aren't bad injuries." Rin rested her head on her hand.

"It seems as though taijutsu, that all our final hopes were riding on, didn't work either."

"Wait, Kakashi." Guy stood up straighter, "It's still too soon to completely rule out taijutsu! The springtime of our youth has yet to fade away! Don't lose hope!"

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