1. Scent

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Roman James

I groaned, shoving my head in my pillow to ignore the loud ass truck that was beeping while going to the house next to us.

I was told by my dad that there's a new girl and her mom moving in and he told me like I gave a shit.

I heard talking and stood, remembering my window was open.

I went to my window and paused seeing a girl putting down a box, her curls in a bun with curly hairs falling imperfectly from it.

I watched as she wiped the back of her forehead and her neon pink shirt covered her shorts which I really hoped the wore.

She looked at her window and I backed up as I heard it open then a voice shout, "Evie love come grab the other boxes!" A woman yelled.

"Coming!" She said back and wind gusted a scent through my room that made me shiver, sweat falling from my spine.

I shook my head and smirked nervously, hoping this was a dream.

I went to my parents room and sat on their bed.

"Hey Roman." Dad said.

"Dad how did you know moms scent as a mate thing?" I asked.

"Uhm, it's smell depends on the person but it kind of burns you more than a normal smell would. Why?" He asked.

"Oh honey the neighbors look so sweet. Hey dear what's up?" Mom asked smiling at me.

"Do you feel that you've met her?" Dad asked.

I shrugged. "Just curious uhm they look tired we should maybe invite them over for dinner." I proposed.

"That's a great idea, since when we're you such a gentleman?" Mom smiled.

Since I'm fucking horrified I found the most gorgeous bitch I've seen and she might settle me down at 17.

"No idea. Love you." I walked out immediately.

"Roman!" Mom shouted and I looked back.

"You should help them out, they're not as strong as you." She winked.

She knows. Why wouldn't she fucking know? She's a mother. Fuck stupid nature and fuck cute girls and fuck marriage and fuck my FUCKING LIFE.

"Maybe." I just walked to my bathroom kissing my teeth in frustration before brushing my teeth and fixing my hair.

I put on a pair of black sweats and a muscle shirt, that used to be my favorite boy band shirt.

Boy band. Fucking nerd I was.

Why am I actually willing to do this?

I walked outside and saw the two women talking, drinking waters.

I walked over there and cleared my throat.

"Uhm, hello, I'm Roman James and I was asked by my parents to see if you needed- help." I mumbled.

"Are you sure? It would be great help." The mother said and offered a hand.

"Lottie Dolan," she shined a smile I wished her daughter carried. I took her hand and shook it.

"This is my daughter Everleigh Dolan." She pointed to the girl that was taller than her and her pigmented skin carried a pink blush.

From what I assumed the father or male placement was white because her skin was the perfect caramel while her mothers was a bit darker.

She offered a hand and I looked at it prepared to find out if she was my mate.

I shook her hand and electricity shot up my arm and down my spine as I refused to lock eyes with her. I caved and god the bright green pools were hypnotic.

I shook my head and let go, fixing my hair.

"Uhm, nice to meet you both, what can I help with?" I asked.

Not her things not her things.

"She has some furniture that needs to be carried up there so we can build it later and the boxes of parts are heavy." The mom said and I scowled when she looked away.

The girl kept her eyes on the ground, finding something entertaining to stare at.


The urge to say that word out loud was nearly killing me.

I walked forward and picked up the decent sized box.

I didn't speak as she showed me where her room is even though I knew where it would be.

I'd lived here all my life and entered this house a lot.

She didn't speak as she scattered the area quickly.

I looked around a bit and was curious as to how this room would end up looking.

I walked back down and outside seeing my parents talking to Ms. Dolan.

"How about dinner tonight?" Mom asked.

Why did I propose the idea? Maybe because you didn't think you'd shake her hand your too curious and damn nosy to know what's good for you.

Fuck my life.

"We'll be there." Lottie grinned.

"So nice to meet you see you at 5." Dad waved and they went back home.

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