24. Cheesy & Corny

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...not me cutting kids off again

Everleigh Dolan

I sat on the toilet, dreading this very week.

"Babylove what's up?" Roman walked in, not knocking.

He was shirtless with just sweats on and was rubbing the tiredness from his eyes.

"You have my underwear." I kissed my teeth.

"And I'm keeping them why?" He asked.

"I got my period." I groaned, my stomach cramping up.

"I'll go to yours and grab some things, I'll be here for you, and you'll tell me what this means and how to work with periods andddd tell me why the hell you let me cum inside you." He kissed my forehead before leaving immediately.


He handed me a box of tampons and I smiled at him.

He sat criss-crossed in front of me.

"No privacy?" I asked my knees touching together shyly.

"You do you baby, you'll be mine the rest of my life so come on." He looked up at me.

"Well first off I can't have kids." I smiled, moving slightly so he didn't see me putting a tampon in as I pulled my shorts up then stood, flushing the toilet then sitting on top of the now closed toilet seat.

"Why?" He asked.

"My biological parents weren't mates so it prevents me having a child due to the fact that the child will not have purely mated grandparents." I nodded.

"So why the period?" He squinted.

"Ask nature I don't fucking know. It's very regular and on the day every month due to that so it'll be incredibly predictable." I said and he stood, offering hands to me.

He carried me back to his bed.

"Go back to sleep." He mumbled and he put me on his chest. I inhaled and his hands went under the shirt of his I was wearing.

"Will you be okay?" He asked.

"I will thank you." I kissed his neck softly before falling asleep and relaxing into him.


"Wake up darling." I was poked on my nose and I opened my eyes.

"Uhm, well I did research and heard cravings were a thing. Does anything particular sound good?" He asked and I smiled, reaching up for him and he sat on the bed, pulling me into his lap.

"The garbage made McDonalds cheeseburgers." I whispered and he laughed.

"That does sound good. I'll be back." He whispered and I didn't let him go.

"Take me with you." I mumbled.

He carried me to the car while I was barefoot and buckled me in like a sweetheart.

He got in and began driving, his arm on the rest and I leaned onto it, looping one of my arms under and holding his hand as I laid on his bicep.

"My baby." He whispered and kissed my hair before pulling into the drive thru.

He ordered a Double Quarter Pounder no onions for me and a Big Mac for him.

"You like trash food?" I asked.

"Love it." He smiled at me and I watched his face as he paid and waited for the food, patient and calm.

I felt like I was having one of those moments where my heart swelled so large and I couldn't feel anything but utter love for this boy and I couldn't do anything about it but wanna cry.

Images of him looking at me a specific way flashed into my mind but I didn't know why.

Before I could react he looked at my face as we parked and he panicked, I almost smacked my head on the arm rest with how fast he moved it away to back his seat up and pull me onto his lap, facing him.

"Hey what's the matter?" He touched my face, his full of concern and worry.

I shook my head and put my head down, against his chest feeling like a hormonal dork.

"Hey gorgeous," he picked my head up and kissed me lightly, putting our foreheads together, "are you okay?"

"Yea, I'm happy." I whispered and a small chuckle from from his lips as well as a sigh.

"Tell me all the reasons." He backed up and looked at me with the look I saw in my head.

Heated tears poured as my stomach filled with butterflies and nearly made me nauseous.

"I'm so in love with you. Half of my crying is because of my period but also because you are so good to me and you're so handsome and fuck I'm getting gushy." I laughed, wiping my face off.

"Oh babygirl." He pulled me to his chest, ruffling the bags.

He handed me my fries.

"Today I cried too. I think we might be in sync." He joked.

"Why'd you cry?" I ate the warm fries.

"Because you were on my chest. You chose to accept me for the rest of our lives and not reject me. You're nothing less than anything I expected. You are the most perfect thing I could've collected in this life. I can't envision anything more perfect I'll ever have than the love I have for you. Now I know this is cheesy as hell but you're so vulnerable with me." He shook his head, his eyes looking anywhere but at me.

"Vulnerable how?" I knew exactly how but I wanted to hear what he was thinking.

"You listen to what I say bedroom wise and I damn sure hope it's out of trust and not because you feel obligated. Anyways, you trust me to care and pleasure your body and care for you after and that's the most amazing feeling. I can make you happy, I am able to aid for your emotions and I can tell you'd do the same. I just can't fathom anything that would keep me from you. Eat your burger before my heart leaps from my body and not in a good way." He nodded and I grabbed it, taking three bites.

"That's my girl." He smiled as my face was stuffed.

I ate all the food before I leaned onto him.

"I love you."

"Love who?" He rubbed my back.

"I love you my daddy." I whispered and I heard his heart pick up.

"I love you too my love." I smiled.

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