18. Patient

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Everleigh Dolan

I heard a noise and immediately ran downstairs seeing my mom for the first time in days.

"Hi dear." She smiled at me tiredly.

"When is your next shift?" I asked.

"8 hours. I can sleep and get food on my way there. Oh hi Roman, climb through the window?" Momma looked behind me and I did too.

His hair was messy and he wore a white shirt and grey sweats. His tattoos making him all the more attractive.

"Yea uhm hi Lottie, I think for your daughters sake, I could get some food in the both of you." He said and put his hands in his sweat pockets.

"Oh are you sure? I know a lots going on for you right now." She said putting her coat on the couch.

"I am, go ahead and lie down, I'll bring food and attempt to stay awake?" He asked and went to her, rubbing her back lightly and she smiled at him, moving to his direction and putting her hand on his cheek.

"I may be old and a mom and single but you are the perfect man for my daughter. Thank you Roman." She smiled and patted his cheek before walking to her room.

His eyes just followed her till she shut her door then he looked at me, his mouth open before he walked to me and put one hand on my waist and one on my cheek.

"You're mom said that. You're mom." He gaped.

"I know." I nodded confused.

"You're mom thinks I'm good enough." He smiled.

"Wait I-I don't understand." I shook my head at why this was a crazy thing.

"I don't know why I'm go giddy about it but I am. Anyways let me get you and your mom fed." He kissed me and went to the kitchen.

I went upstairs and knocked on my moms bedroom door.

"Come in!"

I walked in and she opened her covers so I laid next to her and she smiled.

"You've got a good guy on your hands." She touched my hair and twirled some curls that fell from the messy hair I wore.

"I do. I'm awfully lucky." I said and she chuckled.

"Oh honey I heard you were confused on why I said that. Praise from who is closest to the mate is huge. If his mom or dad said that to you, your heart would soar." She said and I looked at her.

"We're you and whoever I came from mates?" I asked.

"Oh no. And that's why I can't have one. I conceived out of lust and both him and I can never have our true mate." She said gently.

"Does that ever upset you?" I asked.

"I mean I've never felt true love but I don't regret it for the world. I found my place with my daughter and that's the only love I will ever need. Besides I found my son in law, he's an Angel and makes my girl happy. I know I work a lot but I promise I'm okay. I don't want you working, it's my job as your mother and as the person who put you in this world to care for you and make you a respectful adult and woman. I've done my part and I'm still doing it. You are an amazing girl, with an amazing future, and a fantastic mate and you're getting treated how you should. Im proud of you Everleigh." She pushed hair behind my ear and I felt tears fall from my cheeks.

She pulled me up and hugged me, us both on our knees hugging on the bed.

"Thank you for everything momma." I whispered and a sob croaked out.

"I'm always here Evie." She pulled back and wiped my tears.

"He's nervous." She whispered and smiled before I turned and he held two bowls on plates.

"It's okay come in love." I waved Roman in.

When he handed us our food he pushed my plate on the side table, pulling me to him.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Im fine." I smiled and he handed me my food when I was next to him.

We all spent an hour talking while we ate and momma loved getting to know him and she'd ask about his tattoos, he'd respond with nothing but respect and kindness causing my body to naturally react and merely flutter.

"Go to bed Lottie, I've got her. I'll bring her to school tomorrow and you can do what you have to do. Thank you for letting me help out." Roman smiled.

"Thank you for being nothing but amazing." She patted his back before hugging me.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you more." She pulled away and kissed my cheek.

Roman took me upstairs and into my room.

"You sure I wasn't the cause of your pretty tears?" He asked.

"No, I was happy crying. Not that you don't make me happy though." I smiled.

"Okay. Go shower, wear a tank top and whatever pants." He grinned.

"New thing?" I asked.

"I love your boobs now go on. I'll be in my room when your done with you hair and everything." He stood and I walked to him, standing on my tip toes and kissing him.

He pulled me into him and kissed further, pushing his tongue into my mouth and I groaned.

"Such a good girl." He pecked me and kissed my forehead.

I tried to shut up at the praise but I knew my cheeks and his smirk was a dead giveaway.

"God I'm gonna ruin you." He said as he left out my window.


I did my curls and wore a black tank top with plaid pajama shorts. I put on chapstick and moisturizer.

I went through my window and into his, him walking into his room with just a towel cling to his waist.

"Hi darling." He mumbled with a soft smile.

I didn't respond as my thighs cling together in mere torture.

I swear to god if you wait any longer.

I shivered and he just stared at me.

"You wanna hop out before you jump my ass?" He laughed.

"I'm not sure if I even want to go." I mumbled and he walked to me, putting my hands on his chiseled abdomen.

I kept my eyes on my hands attempting to hide anything I could. He tugged my chin up with his hand and I looked into his dark eyes.

"Tell me what you want Ev. It's okay to go and it's okay to wait for anything to happen." He said and he tugged my lower lip down with his thumb.

"How bout w-we call in tomorrow a-and you make me feel good?" I offered nervously but my body was all for it. My mind was clouded with the dream. I couldn't not want this, my mind and heart and body wanted him.

"What kind of good?" He asked.

"The scorching if we touch anyone else after type of feel good." I said and he smirked.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"I'm so fucking positive." I shook my head and he laughed.

"You're adorable." He pulled me to his chest and his heart was going so fast.

"Fuck I tried to be patient I can't." He pulled back and moved me so I was against the wall while he closed his window and curtains, moving swiftly back to me and grabbing my throat pressing his lips to mine and I groaned.

"What's your word?" He asked.

"Red daddy."

"That's my good little slut."

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