Chapter 5

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"Luca come on let's go get you cleaned up your bleeding" I put my hand out so he can take it

He takes my hand and before we can leave Brooks starts to talk

"This is why you won't go on a date with me because of this asshole. Wow, Greylee, I didn't take you to be such a slut." Brooks says

Luca is about to pounce on him but before he can I hold him back the best I can and tell him that he is not worth it. I took his hand and led him to the teacher's lounge. I can get in because they let me study in here sometimes

I go to get a paper towel and wet it then I go over grab Lucas's hand and clean up his knuckles.

"What were you think Luca? Why did you do that?"

"I saw that you were in trouble so I didn't even think to beat his ass"

"I was not in trouble Brooks is harmless"

"Well it sure looked like you were in trouble you were pinned to your locker and you looked scared not to mention you have a bruise forming on your wrist so he's harmless my ass"

"How long has he been doing that"

"Him pinning me to the locker that was the first. Him harassing me about going on a date with him that has been going on since freshman year."

"Why don't you tell someone that is harassing you?"

"Cause no one would believe me, Luca, he is the captain of the soccer and basketball team plus why would they believe me I'm a nobody Luca."

After I say that sentence he has a look on his face almost as if he pities me and I don't need pity.

"Don't look at me like that"

"Look at you like what"

"Like you pity me. I don't need your pity"

"I don't pity you Greylee. It just makes me sad that you think nobody notices you"

"Cause nobody does Luca"

"I notice you Greylee" he gets up and storms out of the room


How could Greylee think nobody notices her I notice her. I notice how she gets a crease in between her eyebrows when she is confused or contrasted. I notice how she wore black leggings, a navy blue shirt with white converse, and her hair up in a messy bun just yesterday. I notice how she is nothing but nice to everybody and always makes sure everybody is okay.

That's why when I saw that she was pinned to the lockers and looked scared I didn't hesitate to beat that guy's ass cause nobody messes with my Greylee

I don't know why I have this sudden feeling like she is my everything and why I have this instinct to protect her from all the bad in the world.

I can't get close to her though given my past I'm just not good for her I would end up hurting her more than anything.

I need to stay away from Greylee Montgomery

Authors note:
Word count:518

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