Chapter 1: Fire Face

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The female stopped walking. She snagged a dagger from under her cloak, keeping it away from the sights of whoever was behind her. Peeking behind her shoulder, she saw a young boy. She waited for him to talk, weapon still in hand.

He opened his dry palms where a few coins lay. "D-Do you have anything I can eat for this? You're a merchant, aren't you?" The boy referred to the sack she had on her shoulder. The woman stared at him as he practically kneeled on the ground. She remained silent.

"I... I know it isn't much, so anything will do miss! The other merchants said that they couldn't sell me anything..."

Silence again.


She scoffed, taking the coins from his hands. The boy's eyes sparkled with tears as he looked at her like she was an angel.

"...Wait here, boy. Don't move an inch."


A few meters later, you let out a sigh.

What had you done? That boy was right; no merchant would sell him anything for seven measly beri. What were you supposed to do now?

The only thing you could buy with his money was some candy, and you were sure that that was the last thing he needed right now. The poor boy probably hadn't eaten for two days, judging by his appearance. He was tall, with messy, grimy locks and there was dirt all over him.

You were here to earn money, not spend money. Now you had to spend a bit of your allowance.

Perhaps the heat was getting to you.

It was your first time on a desert island and hopefully the last. The heat was awful. You didn't know if it was just the kingdom of Alabasta or if all desert islands were like this. You wanted to burn your cloak, but you liked the privacy it gave you, so you just sucked it up and continued your search for a restaurant.

'Spice Bean...?'

At the sight of the odd name, your stomach growled, receiving chuckles and amused stares from passing strangers. You quickened your pace to hide the pink tint that brushed your face, bumping into someone in the process.

"Watch where you're-"

"Shut up. I didn't ask for your complaint." You spat, not bothering to look at who you bumped into. You were hungry, hot, and flustered. The last thing you want is some random twerp complaining about you accidentally touching them.

You opened the doors to the restaurant at sat down on one of the stools, placing your sack on the floor.

"What can I get you, lad?"

You frowned at the big man in front of you. You just hoped nothing was too expensive. "Do you sell bento? And maybe some onigiri?"

"Sure do."

"Can I have two sets of three onigiris and a single bento, then?"


"Ossan!" The owner paused to look at the newcomer. A soft plop on the floor-- probably luggage, and someone seated themselves on the stool next to you. "Give me food!"

"Comin' right up lads."

You sweatdropped. 'How vague...'


Both waited for their food patiently. Well, at least one waited more silently than the other.

"Nice weather we have today, don't we?" The man (who you figured his pronoun by his voice) beside you said coolly. You hummed in response.

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