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"Alexandria!" I jumped at my name, and turned towards my door. I relaxed when I saw who it was. "Yeah, mom?" I asked. "Didnt you hear me calling you?" she asked me. I just looked at her confused. I hadn't heard her, but that might have been because of how loud my music was. My earbuds were now dangling near my knees, and I could still hear the sound. I reached inside of my hoodie pocket and hit the pause button on my phone. I loved my new phone so much. I had just gotten it three months ago, when I turned twelve. That was the best part about being twelve, I finally got a phone.

"I'm meeting my co-worker tonight, so remember to watch your brother and sister." And, there was the worst part about being twelve. I was constantly watching my siblings now. I looked at my mom and nodded with a sigh. She smiled and called out, "Christopher!" 

I heard a door slam and the sound of little bare feet hitting the wooden floor. A few seconds later, my little brother appeared in the doorway. My mom lifted him up so they were eye level. "Now, you listen to your sister. Stay out of the kitchen, don't touch the heater, and you better go to time-out if Lex tells you to. Understand?" Christopher pouted, and mom gently reminded him that five year olds were too old to pout and that he needed to use his words "It's not fair that she can send me to time-out!" I smirked. This was a conversation they had often. Mom gave him a stern look, but I could see the amusement in her eye. She adored Chris. "She's in charge, so she dishes out the punishments, little man." She turned to look at me. "Don't give him more than five minutes in the corner, Lex." Rolling my eyes, I said, " I know mom. God, we don't need to go over this every time." Mom narrowed her eyes. "Maybe YOU need a time-out Alex-" Chris cut her off. " Can she spank me too?" Sighing, mom looked down. "No, honey. Only I can do that." I held in a laugh. As if mom would ever spank Chris. He was her little baby.

She hugged Chris, then me. "Goodbye, I love you both. I'm going to talk to you're sister, then I'll be gone. Lex, you know the kid's bedtimes and I'll be home by ten. Chris, be good." Blowing us a kiss, she walked out of the room.

Five minutes later, the front door slammed. I assumed she had left. Less than three minutes passed before my sister Ashlynne walked in and announced that she was starving. At the age of eight, she would proudly announce that she was old enough to look after herself, but evidently too young to make her own food. I looked at the clock. 7:07 pm. We had eaten dinner less than an hour ago. Sighing, I hopped off my bed with Ashlynne trailing behind me. "Where's Chris?" she asked as we walked in to the kitchen. "I'll go find out. Get out what you want on your sandwhich" I left her digging through the fridge as I walked up to our brother's room... only to find him dangling out his window.

"Christopher Adams Johnson!" I screamed, grabbing him by the back of his shirt and hauling him back. He looked at me angrily, as if I were wrong for pulling him inside. "Why did you do that! I was looking for birds!" Five minutes  in, and I was already out of patience. Grabbing his upper arm, I brought him to the dining room. I sat him in a chair and turned it towards a corner. "5 minutes" I told him, walking back in to the kitchen. Ashlynne had gotten all of the ingredients for her sandwich out of the fridge. I made a face. She was the only person I knew who put butter and ketchup on her sandwich. She stood near the sink waiting for me. As I finished making her sandwhich, I heard a crash in mom's office. Ashlynne looked up at me, seeing how I would react to the sudden noise. Sighing in frustration, I said "I told him to stay in the corner!"

Making my way to mom's office, I froze in the doorway. My knees almost gave out as I saw my mom struggling against a man. She was pinned to the floor, his lips clamped around her neck. Blood covered his mouth. Ashlynne came up behind me and let out a blood-curdling scream.

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