Telling The truth

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"I apologize." Carlisle said.

My growl ended abruptly and I tilted my head in confusion. I stared at him in silence. Ashlynne was the first one to speak. "What do you mean? "Carlisle looked at us calmly, but I could see kindness and sympathy written on his face. This was weird. Why weren't they trying to kill us? Why was Nessie no longer fighting for us.

Maybe it's a trick, I thought to myself. Maybe Nessie was in on it the whole time. Of course she was, why would she turn against her coven?My mental accusations were interrupted by Carlisle. "We thought you were immortal children, therefor dangerous and unpredictable. I never considered the possibility that you could be under absolute control. While you may be both immortal and children, you are not immortal children."

I just stared at him, my arm still extended to block Ash and Chris from an attack. Can we trust the? Maybe... no. No, it's a trick. It has to be a trick. Then, before I could react, Chris darted under my arm towards Carlisle. Ashlynne let out a horrified gasp as I screamed out in terror, "Chris, no!!!"Chris grabbed on to Carlisle's pants and began to climb up them.

I took a step forward, but stopped when Carlisle gripped him gently under the arms and lifted him the rest of the way. As they became eye level, Chris planted his feet firmly on Carlisle's chest. It shocked me to see that Carlisle was looking at my brother lovingly, as if he was a miracle. He looked at him like...Like mom used to look at us.Refusing to be pulled in to a flashback, I kept my focus on Chris and Carlisle. Chris gave Carlisle a dazzling smile, the one he would give to me when begging for my cookie or the TV remote."He's telling the truth. He won't hurt us".

Carlisle gave Chris a gentle smile and tried to lower him, but Chris hung on to Carlisle as if his life depended on it. "Chris, let go," I told him mentally. Carlisle looked at me, apparently shocked by something.  I was confused for a moment, how could he have heard that? Then, I addressed Ashlynne as realization dawned on me. "Why can he hear us?!" I mentally screamed Ashlynne looked guilty. "Sorry... i can't keep Chris under my telepathy with out Carlisle being under it too... their heads are too close..." she thought back to me. I looked back to Carlisle, terrified that he knew our secret, our weapon. what would he do with this information?

Carlisle looked at us, curiosity and amazement clearly expressed on his face. "This is incredible. Absolutely remarkable!" He thought."I like him! He holds me like momma used to." Chris said aloud. beofre I could stop it, the memories flashed through my mind. Mom. The vampire holding her down. Her screaming at us to run. Dragging a sobbing Ashlynne to the front door. Running towards the vampire, my desperation to get him away from Chris.I shook my head, forcing the hazy yet incredibly painful memories away. Carlisle gaped at me in horror and Chris let out a cry. Oh no, they had seen that.

"Sorry chris! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for you to see that." I mentally told him. He buried his head in Carlisle's shirt,"Momma" He whimpered. Carlisle gently patted his back. I furrowed my eyebrows at him. Ten minutes ago he was trying to kill us, now he was comforting my brother over the thought of death?

Looking up at me, Carlisle said "I'm so sorry" again. I could see the regret on his face. The question I want to know is if that regret is real... I doubt it.

Chris put his head on Carlisle's shoulder. Behind him, a brunette woman stepped next to Carlisle, smiling gently at the sight. Mentally, Ashlynne asked me, "Is she his... mate?" Glancing at her, I hesitantly answered, "Um...I... think so... yes?" I still didn't understand the difference between mate and wife. Was it just the wedding ceremony? Carlisle looked towards us. "Oops" Ashlynne thought. She and forgotten that Carlisle could hear us. She looked down in embarrassment at being caught talking about him.

" Perhaps now would be a good time for formal introductions." He said. He gestured towards the furniture that... well, that we hadn't broken. Ash bounded forward, happily sitting in a chair. I knew she was excited about being back in a real house. Carlisle sat in a love seat pulling his assumed mate with him. Chris was still hanging on to him, making me wary.

I stood in a corner, completely on edge, ready to grab my siblings and run at any moment.

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