Just a Game

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(A/N- okay, I promise this chapter isn't as depressing as the last one!)

I stood near the window in the Cullen's guest room. I watched the small bird hop around on the tree's branches. I was numb, not paying much attention to anything. I'm was aware that Renesmee and Alice were talking excitedly to my sister and getting her a bunch of new clothes. Esme was with Carlisle and Rosalie, watching Emmett and Jasper teach Chris the basics of football. Rosalie was constantly shouting at them to be careful, as if they might hurt my brother.

At a particularly loud cry from Rosalie I took my eyes off of the bird. I open the window and climbed up on the roof of the large house, peeking over the top of the other side. Emmett was holding Chris in the air by his legs and Chris was dangling upside down, laughing hysterically. What the heck did this have to do with football? Over Rosalie's screams, Emmett hollered, "Aw, calm down Rosie, I'm not going to hurt the kid!" He flipped Chris in the air and my brother tumbled into Jasper's arms. Jasper held Chris under one arm and ran at vampire speed to the trees, causing another shreak from Rosalie.

"Touchdown!" Emmett hollered. Jasper grinned and pretended to spike my brother, causing a low growl in my chest. Nobody heard it over all the screaming, and it died off abruptly when Jasper kept his grip on Chris, never actually letting my brother hit the ground. I was confused because there was a football less than 20 feet away from them and they were... Apparently using chris is a football. I couldn't help but smile, though, at the sound of Chris laughing uncontrollably.

I watched in amusement as the boys continue to play mindless games, most of which I didn't even understand. At one point, Chris broke out of Emmett's mock chokehold and lunged at his legs, trying to climb up them. Instead of Chris going up, though, Emmet's pants came down. I slapped both hands over my mouth to keep from laughing, while everyone in the front yard covered up any sound I made by shrieking like hyenas. Emmett looked down in shock before letting out a playful growl. "You're dead, kid." My amusement disappeared at those words and I stiffened. How many times had other Covens said those words to us?

I watched closely as Emmett got into a crouch and Chris squealed, ducking behind Jasper. Jasper grab Chris under his arms and pick him up, holding him out towards Emmett. Chris shouted and kicked at Emmett as he approached with a smirk on his face. Emmett lunged at Chris with a growl and I grit my teeth together, forcing myself not to jump off the roof and in between them. It's just a game, it's just a game. I realized that there was nothing even a little bit vicious about it when Emmett did nothing but pull down my brother's pants and tease him about it. Rosalie hollered over to them, "Hey Em,, before you make fun of the baby, why don't you pull up your own pants?!" She had a good point.

I heard footsteps in the house and listened in. I realize that they were approaching my bedroom. I slid on the roof and swung back into my window, refusing to be caught spying. Knowing these people, they would think I was feeling left out and try to involve me.

Apparently, though, I didn't need to give them an excuse to involve me. Because less than a second after I landed in my room, my door flew open and Ash ran in. "Lex, guess what, guess what, oh my gosh, guess what?!" I smiled at my sister. I hadn't heard excitement like this in her voice since Mom had bought us a trampoline. "The sky is falling?" I asked. Ashlynne glared at me, but happiness still shine bright in her eyes. For years that had been my answer when she asked me to 'guess what?'. When we were younger she would get angry and start screaming at me that I knew good and well the sky wasn't falling.

Ashlynne wasn't angry, though. Actually she was bouncing up and down, full of excitement. I looked at her in confusion. Glancing up, I realized that Alice and Renesmee were standing in my doorway grinning from ear to ear. My look of confusion turned into one of suspicion. Seeing my look, Alice smiled at me brightly. I almost returned the smile, but thought better of it. They are the enemy. But as I watched them and saw how they acted with my siblings, it seem to be getting harder and harder to remember that.

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