Chris Knows

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I pulled back and snarled, positioning myself in to a defensive crouch as I pulled Chris and Ash further behind me. As I prepared to call forth fire, the oldest male stepped forward.

I pulled back and snarled, positioning myself in to a defensive crouch as I pulled Chris and Ash further behind me. As I prepared to call forth fire, the oldest male stepped forward.I hissed at him, making it clear that he should not come closer.

He stopped immediately, then crouched down. This wasn't a defensive position, but more of the way an adult would crouch down when speaking to a small child.I looked at him in confusion, never abandoning my protective position in front of my siblings.

"It's alright. We just want to talk." I looked at him in disbelief as Ashlynne and chris's thoughts assaulted my mind. "Don't believe him, he's lying, throw the fire!" and Chris's "No sissy, don't believe bad man, lying man. He's not true!" I turned m head slightly towards my siblings and nodded my head once in acknowledgement.

Turning back towards the other coven I growled. Nodding towards the three younger males, I stated, "They attacked us." the older man took another step forward. I let put a loud, menacing hiss that broke in to a snarl. He looked down at us calculatingly." I apologize for my son's behavior. We mean no harm to you."

Before I could retaliate Chris stepped up beside me. I looked at him, mentally screaming at him to get back. He just smiled at me before stepping forward. I grabbed on to the back of his shirt, ready to pull him back if I had to.

My brother gazed somberly at the older man, and in that moment his eyes showed everything.Looking in to my little brother's drop-dead serious eyes, I realized exactly how much innocence my five year old brother had lost. He continued to stare unwaveringly at the man before speaking.

"He's lying. They are going to kill us. His family, who isn't his real family, hascousins who aren't their real cousins. I don't undersatnd how that works. But a woman who was close to Carlisle named Sasha bit children once. They were an... abomination." What is an abomination? With this question, I realised that these were not Chris's words, but Carlisle's. I still didn't understand Chris's ability. If he could get in to people's heads, why could he only see the truth, and nothing else?

I realized that my siblings were still waiting for an answer. I quickly mentally explained that an abomination is something people hate. After Chris understood, he continued."The oldest child that was changed was 9 years old. He thinks that me and Ash are... innortal children. He doesn't know about Lex, but he thinks that we need to be... destroyed."When he finished, I pulled him behind me again.

All of the other vampires looked at us, stunned. The older man cast a regretful look, then sighed and stepped aside. This seemed to be a que for the rest of his coven to surround us. I noticed very saddened looks on the older female and the blonde female.As they circled us, a yell broke through the house.

"Mom!" The coven stilled, looking up in apperant horror. A young girl, about 13 or 14, appeared on top of the staircase. She sat on the railing at the top. Looking at us curiously, she asked, "who are they?" She put her hands on top of her knees and looked forward. I looked at her, confused. She smelled like a vampire, yet I could smell human blood pulsing through her veins, calling to me. As I focused on her smell, I detected a gross tint of wet dog surrounding her skin and clothes.

"She's going to fall." Chris said. 1/94 of a second later, the gorl went sprawling forward, falling at least 20 feet. She let out a scream and the younger brunette woman screamed,"Ness!"Ashlynne jumped in front of me and shoved her arm out. the girl stilled in the air for a fraction of a second before Ashlynne drew her towards us. Her coven prepared to lunge at us, letting out fierce snarles.... were they her coven? What was she... she wasn't an "Immortal child" but... she couldn't be human... right?

Making sure I could still see her coven out the corner of my eye, I turned towards the girl, "ness". "Are you okay?" I asked. She smiled. "Yeah. Thanks." I just nodded. turning around, I could't help the quiet laugh that escaped me at the looks of bewilderment on the faces around us.

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