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The Cullens on the defensive was one of the most terrifying things that I had ever seen. I recalled the day that my siblings and I had arrived here. Certain that we were a danger to them, the Cullens had attacked us, willing to kill. 

But this was different. This wasn't just willing to kill. This was planning to kill. Carlisle had drawn up dozens of battle strategies, explaining different areas and circumstances that would give the Cullens the upper hand. Jasper was outside, going over both defensive and offensive moves with the wolves and the rest of his family.

Well, no. Not quite. Because not all of the Cullens were outside. Perhaps most eerily of all was Alice, who had been sitting as still as a statue and staring into space for hours. She was waiting for a vision that would give us a hint as to what would happen next. She was looking for a vision that would give us a clue as to who had attacked us, and if they would return. She was looking into a world that nobody else could see, a world that didn't even exist yet. 

I watched her warily, a little bit frightened by her constant vacant expression. It was like something out of a horror movie. Any minute now, her eyes would flash open and she would announce that there was a monster running straight for us, screaming as we only had seconds to act. Her eyes would suddenly fly over to the window, widening in terror. Glass would shatter, and a battle would begin.

Or, worse yet, she would see nothing. There would be no warning or plan. It seemed that the only thing worse than an approaching battle was a battle that had to be fought in complete darkness. As the hours went by, I began to realize that this was exactly what was going to happen. Hopeless now, I stood up from my spot on the window seat. As if in sync with me, Alice sighed at the same moment, and turned to look at me.

"I'm sorry," she chimed, "I rarely get visions anymore. The pack is such a strong part of our lives, but where they are involved..." I nodded. She didn't need to finish her sentence. Alice couldn't get any visions about the wolves. It was some strange defensive mechanism they had, taking away any natural advantage that a vampire may have over them. It was too bad that nature couldn't understand what an alliance was. We were at peace with the wolves. It was other vampires causing us problems, now. 

Leaving the room so gracefully she seemed to float, Alice made her way outside to spar with Jasper. I watched hesitantly from the window. Even though Jasper was her mate, and I knew he would sooner set himself ablaze than harm Alice, I couldn't help but feel anxious as I watched her approach him. Alice was so tiny. Though she was taller than me, she looked almost frail. And Jasper was so.... not.

It actually made me flinch when Jasper shoved his hand out, trying to roughly grab Alice. Then he did it again. And again. 

He never even touched her. She always seemed to be one step ahead of him, literally. Just before his hand would move towards her, Alice would step in the opposite direction. The victorious smile on my face faded, though. That would only help her against other vampires. If ever there was even a single wolf opposing her, Alice would be torn to shreds. 

Turning away from the window, I forced the thought from my mind. We weren't fighting wolves. We were fighting a vampire. Just one. And with the force of the Cullens combined with that of the wolves, they were probably the equivalent of fifty normal vampires. 

"Here we come, we're fifty strong, and fifty Frenchmen can't be wrong..." My sister entered the room singing quietly, and I shot her a glare. Though Beauty and The Beast was one of my favorite musicals, I was in an awful mood. 

Shoving myself towards the door, I muttered, "Get out of my head, you brat". It made no sense that she could walk around singing at a time like this. We were in danger.

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