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"We'll be in and out before you know it," I said, fixing Sadie's jacket as we stepped off the bus.

The jacket in question was a little too big despite my mom claiming it was a steal when she showed up with it one night. It was like a dress on Sadie's small frame, draping below her knees and drooping off her shoulders.

"It's okay," Sadie said with a smile. "I have Beary with me."

"I'm sure you two will have lots of fun while I'm studying." I lightly pinched her nose.

Sadie laughed. The airy sound calmed the tension I'd been feeling about bringing her to campus with me. Mom was working the day shift at the hospital and there was no one else that I could trust to watch my little sister until she was home from work. Usually I could have called our elderly neighbour, Mrs. Zhang, but she was out of the state visiting family. Andrew would have been my last resort but he had the lunch shift at Red Room. With no other options, I lugged Sadie along with me—something she was more than content with.

I rose from my knee and offered her my hand. She took it without question, her favourite stuffed animal tucked under her other arm. It took a few more minutes than it normally would for me to reach Williams library because of Sadie's short strides. Last time I checked, I was already ten minutes late thanks to the unpredictability of public transportation. I knew Cali was going to have something to say about it.

And I was right.

Cali's glare snapped up once she heard the click of the study room door open. Her lips were set in a tight line, the frustration written all over her face. She looked ready to rip me a new one until she took in the four-year-old beside me.

"Who is this?" Cali asked, rising from her seat.

"This is Sadie," I said, placing a hand on top of my sister's head.

Cali didn't even spare me a glance. She approached Sadie, getting down to her level and sticking out her hand. "Hi Sadie, I'm Cali."

Sadie didn't say anything. But unlike the first time I met Cali, she accepted the handshake. And in that moment I was forever grateful for Sadie's angelic features. Maybe I would have to bring her to study sessions more often. If it kept my tutor off my back, I would gladly make the sacrifice.

"Are you going to be joining us today?" Cali continued once she took her hand back.

An uncomfortable feeling pulled at my stomach. I waited for Cali to give Sadie that familiar look of confusion or to prompt her with more questions.

But she didn't miss a beat. "I'm glad you could make it."

Cali returned to her seat, giving Sadie and I room to settle into the space. Slipping off Sadie's jacket, I placed her into the empty chair beside me. Her tiny fingers clutched onto the worn stuffed animal. The short, brown fur looked ratty and dishevelled.

I slid my bag off my shoulder, finding my seat in-between them.

"Alright," I huffed. "Let's get this over with."

Cali's smile didn't reach her eyes. I could feel the glower she was holding back, but I was thankful she didn't push the topic of me being late (again). Cali flipped through some of her old notes. Stacks of colour coded headings and hand-drawn diagrams filled the pages.

"Did you transcribe the entire textbook?" I said, blinking at the stacks of notebooks and cue cards.

"I remember things better once I've written them down by hand." Cali flipped through another few pages before landing on the topic of focus for today. She took a bite of her sandwich before elaborating. "How comfortable are you with the musculoskeletal system?"

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