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"You came," I said once I had opened the door.

Cali stood on the front porch of my house in a brown parka. A reusable grocery bag hung at her side. A dusting of snowflakes were sprinkled along her dark hair. It was the first snowfall of the season and I was more than happy to experience it from the warmth of my living room. But Cali looked like she was made for the colder weather. The tip of her nose matched the rosiness of her cheeks.

"Of course I came." She smiled. "How could I deprive you from my mother's famous garlic soup?" She gestured to the grocery bag by lifting it up an inch before allowing it to fall back to its original position.

A chill leaked in through the front foyer of the house. Despite that, my chest warmed. "You made me soup?"

"Soup always helps me feel better. I thought it might do the same for you."

If I had any less self control I would have hugged her. "Did you want to come in?"    

"I'd love to," she said, stepping over the threshold. "Where's Sadie? I'm looking forward to our tea party."

"You might have to wait for that," I said as I shut the door behind her. "I finally got her to lay down for a nap."

"Ahh," she clicked her tongue as she slipped off her boots. "The good ol' days. What I wouldn't give to have a designated nap-time."

"I still do," I replied. "It's called Functional Anatomy."

Her palm connected with my shoulder. The gesture made me laugh but my stomach contracted and a fresh wave of pain radiated up my side. I guess laughing was still out of the question.

I bit back a wince and tried to carry the conversation. "My mom thinks we should start weaning her off soon. She starts school next year."

"Wow, already?" She handed the grocery bag to me while she slipped off her jacket. "When's her birthday?"

Stepping into the kitchen I placed the container of homemade soup on the counter. "February 14th," I called. It was fitting that my little sister was born on Valentine's Day. Sadie loved everything.

"Not too far off from mine then," Cali said from the foyer.

"When's your birthday?" I asked, curiosity nipping at me.

"January 25th."

"Soon then." I headed back out of the kitchen to find her waiting for me. Her petite frame was submerged in a baby blue hoodie that complimented her pale skin. "Any plans?"

Cali yanked on the sleeves of her oversized sweater, bringing the material over her palms. She wrapped her arms around herself. I wish I could have helped warm her up, but after the way I acted the other week I didn't want to push my luck. I was happy enough to have her talking to me again.

"No, and I probably won't make any until Harper and Ella force me out to dinner or something. I don't really like making a big deal out of my birthday."

"You're not one of those people who has a whole birthday week?" I asked, leading her into the living room.

Cali let an airy laugh escape as she settled in on the couch. "Not in the slightest. If it were up to me I wouldn't celebrate it at all."

"Why's that?"

Cali shrugged her thin shoulders.

I sat down on the other side of the three-seater sofa. "You're not afraid of ageing, are you?"

"It's not that," she said. "I just don't like bringing attention to myself, I guess. I don't have the most positive association with my birthday."

I slipped an arm around the back of the couch. "Did you have a bad experience or something? Your parents got you a party clown, didn't they? That shit always creeped me out," I admitted.

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