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Sadie was sat beside Harper, the two of them glued to a computer. Something flashed across the screen, causing Harper to pat the preschooler on the head in celebration. For someone who wasn't fond of kids, Harper seemed to be enjoying Sadie's company.

"You could have gone with Ella," I reminded her as I approached the ringing phone on my nightstand.

"To a university hockey game?" Harper pinched her lips together. "Negative."

"Not even to the after-party afterwards?"

Harper scrunched her nose at me before muttering something to Sadie about college boys.

I stifled a laugh before pressing the green button and placing the cell phone against my ear. "Hello?"

The sound of heavy bass emitted through the receiver. It was muffed, like the music was coming from another room. There was a pregnant pause before I heard Lincoln's baritone voice. "Hey, how's Sadie doing?"

"She's doing great." I peered over my shoulder to check on the little girl in question. "We're currently playing a video game on Harper's computer. She seems to be enjoying it."

Lincoln started speaking again, but it sounded strained. "Listen," he breathed. "I need a favour."

"Something else to add to your ever-growing list of things to keep you indebted to me?" I mused.

Harper's head turned in my direction, tuning in on the conversation. I turned away.

"Yeah," he said, tone dropping. "I won't be able to come and grab Sadie. Can you bring her home? My mom should be home from work by now. She can take Sadie from you."

The silence between us was filled by the thumping beat in the background. Why wasn't he able to get her himself? It had been a couple of hours since Andrew dropped Sadie off at my dorm. I hadn't ever been to a boxing match—and I knew Lincoln didn't pick Sadie up until midnight last time—but they couldn't possibly last that long, right? Unless he was going somewhere after his matches. Ella did mention that her old sorority friends would occasionally try to flirt with him while he was out celebrating afterward.

"Sure," I chirped, pushing away the unease I felt in my stomach. "I don't think Ella would mind me borrowing her car. It shouldn't be a problem." I paused again before asking what was on my mind. "Is everything okay?"

Lincoln didn't hesitate. "Yeah, everything's fine. I'll text you the address, okay?"

Before I could respond, the line went dead.

I removed the phone from my ear, staring at the dark screen for a moment longer than necessary. Clearing my throat, I peered across the room. Harper was already looking at me, asking questions with her eyes.

"I'm going to have to bring Sadie home."

Harper's expression remained stoic. I knew what she was thinking. In her eyes, this was just another way that Lincoln was taking advantage of my kindness.

"And why can't he come and get her?" Harper probed.

My phone screen lit up when Lincoln's text message came through. "He didn't say."

"How convenient," she muttered.

"Don't worry about it," I said, opening the closet to look for a cardigan to wear under my coat. "You stay here and enjoy what's left of your Friday night. I shouldn't be too long."

Harper didn't look away from her screen as she hummed her response.

I stood outside Ella's car, staring at the wall of townhomes. An arctic wind funnelled down the street, causing my hair to whip across my face. Tugging the top of my coat closed I tucked Sadie's hand into mine. The road was dark and desolate. The only light came from a flickering street lamp. It was hard to make out any of the house numbers—especially considering each home was a carbon copy of the others.

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