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The August breeze blew my hair over my shoulder as I made my way across campus. My first day of classes had officially ended and I was already feeling more confident in my choice to switch majors. Over the summer I went back to working at my local daycare–just to be sure this was what I really wanted this time. I had never been more convinced. The heavy anxiety I felt going into my nursing practicum didn't rear its ugly head once during my time at the summer camp.

I finally felt like I was on the right track.

Cutting across the manicured lawn outside the boxing facility, I twisted my bag far enough in front of me so that I could dig around in the front pocket. My fingers slid across the smooth plastic access card. I pulled it out, flashing it in front of the keypad when I reached the door. One of the perks of having a boyfriend who worked here? Not having to wait to be let in.

I tugged open the heavy metal door. The low hum of music met me in the foyer alongside the clanking of machinery. Most of the equipment was in use. This had been the busiest I'd ever seen the gym. Lincoln had mentioned that they were able to expand the program this year–which is where Whitmore had the budget to bring on an assistant coach–but I didn't realize how big things had gotten.

Moving to the edge of the foyer, I spotted just the man I was searching for. Lincoln's broad frame was impossible to miss. But even if I hadn't seen him, it was as if my body knew when he was near–like my soul had a compass that was drawn to him. Light filtered in through the windows that stretched across the far, left wall. As I expected, Lincoln was in the ring. His back was to me as he sparred with the other person in there with him. It was just like the first day I had come storming into the boxing facility all over again. Except this time, a warm sensation filled my stomach when I saw him. This time it wasn't anger.

I paused in the foyer, admiring how the muscles in his arms moved under the black t-shirt he was wearing. The words ASSISTANT COACH were etched across his shoulders along with the university's logo. Pride swelled within my chest. Lincoln had worked so hard for so long with little in return. It had been like running a marathon with no end in sight. But he kept pushing for the people he cared about most. I could understand how the university got one sniff of his involvement with The Pit and wanted him gone. But if they had dug deeper than that, they would have seen just how truly amazing Lincoln was. Not simply as a fighter, but as a person.

He was a man with the odds stacked against him. Ultimately, that forced him to work harder than anyone I knew. He deserved the second chance that Coach Whitmore was able to provide for him.

He belonged here.

"I never realized how much I appreciate a man in uniform," I mused, coming up to the side of the ring.

Lincoln dropped his pads down a quarter of an inch as he peered over his shoulder. It didn't take him long to register that I was there smiling up at him from behind the ropes. The easy-going grin he was wearing tugged at my heartstrings. Ever since his father was sentenced for the crimes he committed the night of my surprise birthday party, Lincoln was able to let his guard down. The walls that stood firm had crumbled. And the smiles, that were once a rare sight, were becoming more frequent.

He dragged his forearm across his glistening brow. Then he jutted a chin towards the younger guy he was training. "Take a short break. We'll pick back up in ten."

Lincoln weaved his way through the ropes before the guy could even respond. He hopped down from the ring. Hands still in the training pad, he wrapped his arm around the back of my neck and pulled me in until his lips landed on my forehead.

My eyes fluttered shut at the sweet gesture.

"How was your first day of classes?" He asked, leaning back onto the ring and removing the black material from his palms.

"Good actually," I said as I handed him his water bottle. "It feels better knowing that I won't be here as long as I thought. I think I can manage coming here and seeing you everyday for a couple more years."

Lincoln finished spraying a squirt of water into his mouth, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "It's not a bad circumstance."

"Could be worse," I mused with the shrug of my shoulder.

"Are you coming by for dinner tonight?" He asked. "Sadie's been asking me every night since my mom took her out shopping. She wants to show you her school supplies before she starts next week."

I settled in next to him, our arms brushing. "Yeah, your mom called to ask me what I'd like to eat."

"For dinner?" Lincoln raised his brow at me. I nodded. "Damn, I don't even get that luxury."

I knocked my shoulder into his. "That's because if it were up to you, we'd be having steak every day of the week. Honestly, I feel like she asks me because she's running out of vegetarian meal options. I feel bad making her go out of her way."

"Don't feel bad, trust me. She's really been enjoying having you around." Lincoln's hand found mine, giving it a gentle squeeze.

It was true. Amelia's demeanour towards me had changed ever since the night of my surprise birthday party. I couldn't tell you what changed, we hadn't discussed it. But I had the feeling that after Claudio had shown up and threatened my life she realized how serious I was about her son.

"Hey Pierce," Coach called across the room. He pointed a finger in our direction. "No slacking."

Laughter rumbled in Lincoln's chest. "You got it, Coach."

Then Coach turned his attention to me. "Hi Calista, how were classes?"

"Hey Coach! So far so good."

The older man gave me a thumbs up before turning around and heading back towards his office.

Lincoln stood, his cue that he had to get back to work. "Are you going to pick Sadie up from daycare?"

"Yup," I said, popping the 'p' and sliding off the platform. "We're going to go on an ice cream date."

"Bribing my innocent little sister with dessert before dinner," Lincoln teased, his arms encircling my waist. "No wonder you're her favourite person."

I pressed up on my tippy toes. "Last I checked I was your favourite person too."

Lincoln shrugged, a playful smile on his face. "Debatable."

I fixed the strap over my shoulder. "I'll catch you later?"

"Yeah," he said, bending until our noses brushed. "You'll catch me later."

He pressed a sweet kiss to my lips. "I love you."

"I love you too," I whispered, sharing another chaste kiss before heading towards the foyer.

"Hey, California."

Lincoln's voice caused me to stop in my tracks. Feet planted, I turned to peek at him over my shoulder.

Lincoln's lips tugged up into a secret smirk. He flashed me a wink that caused the butterflies in my stomach to erupt from their cage. "I'll see you at home."

The End

* * * * *

author's note:

It's official finished! Thank you so much for coming along Cali and Lincoln's journey with me (especially those of you who have been there since the first version of this story). It means the absolute world to me.

I do plan on self-publishing this story sometime in the future and I'd love your help in making this book the best version of itself. If you have any feedback (things you liked, things you wanted to see, etc) I'd love to hear it. You can private message me or comment here, whatever works for you.

I'll be hosting a Q&A this Friday (July 21st) over on Instagram to celebrate.

Thank you again, and we'll catch you in the next one.

Happy reading!

PS if you're wondering what to read next, Ella's story is available to read now across all platforms (Ream, Wattpad, and Radish). It is titled Shutout and is a spicy hockey romance that is sure to keep you entertained. 

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