Chapter Ten

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YEAR: 2014

I returned to the Hydra base, but I was quickly sent out again, with the Winter Soldier this time.
Captain America and Natasha were still alive, and we were told to try and bring them in. Again. Only this time, they weren't bothered whether it was dead or alive.
"You go for the captain, I go for Natasha" I nodded at the Soldier.
At this point, my anger had risen enough that I was ready to face her. Fight her. Kill her.
I knew that it would also get Dreykov's approval.
I was going to be the one to take her down.
"Let's go" the soldier nodded back.
We got in a car, and I drove until we caught up with our targets.
I started following them.
The Winter Soldier was in the passenger seat next to me.
When we were on a bridge, he opened the door.
"What the hell are you doing?" I questioned.
"The mission" he jumped out the car, and started running at a faster speed than the car.
I didn't speed up - I watched as he jumped onto the roof of their car, smashed his arm through the window, and pulled someone out by their neck. He threw them back, and I had to swerve so they didn't crash into me.
The Soldier started shooting through the roof of the car. But suddenly their car stopped, and I saw the him fly off the top of it.
"Damn it Weiner" I muttered under my breath, speeding up.
My car crashed into their back of theirs, pushing it forward.
As it neared the Soldier, he launched himself on top of it once again.
He broke the windshield and stole their steering wheel right out of their hands.
As he did so, two trucks pulled up on either side of me.
Rumlow smirked at me from the one on the left.
I stuck my middle finger up at him, then realised I hadn't been paying enough attention to what was happening in front of me as the Soldier jumped back on my car.
I bumped into the car in front again, and it pushed up onto the side of the bridge, inches away from going over the edge.
It crashed and flipped into the air, and I had to swerve to get around it, making sure that the Soldier didn't fall off.
I drove past it, then slammed on the brakes.
I kicked open the door and tossed the soldier a grenade launcher as he walked past.
I got up and stood behind him as he shot a grenade, and it threw Captain America over the side of the bridge.
I joined in with the Hydra agents that had joined us, shooting at Natasha and someone else that had been in the car with them.
The soldier fired another grenade, and Natasha went over the side too.
We ran to the edge, but she started shooting at us.
She shot the Winter Soldier, hitting his mask.
"Hey you okay?" I asked as he sat down so her bullets couldn't get to him.
He didn't say a word as he took off his goggles. He stood again and open fired towards where Natasha was standing moments ago.
We both shot at her as she went running off.
The Soldier grabbed my waist all of a sudden, and I held on tightly as he jumped off the bridge and landed on the road below.
I instantly started running to catch up with Natasha, as he shot towards where Captain America was hiding.
I slowed down and smirked when I heard the sound of Natasha's voice. Did she really think I was that stupid? A recording.
She ran up behind me like I expected, and I spun around to shoot her.
She grabbed my gun just as I had turned, but I'd already pulled the trigger and a bullet lodged in her hand.
She ignored the fact that she was bleeding and tried to tackle me to the ground. She was unsuccessful, but managed to make me drop my gun. 
She ended up standing a few metres away from me.
Not saying a word.
Both unarmed.
I ran straight for her, forcing her to the ground.
I stamped down on the hand I had shot and I smirked smugly when she winced in pain.
I walked away for a moment to retrieve my gun.
I turned back and pointed it at her.
She was sat on her knees now, staring at me.
"Y/n you don't want to do this" she said.
"I think I do."
I pulled the trigger.
She was unfortunately protected as Captain America jumped in front of her, holding his shield.
He stood up straight, pulling Natasha up behind him.
Without hesitation, the captain threw his shield at me, but the soldier arrived just in time.
He jumped in front of me and caught the shield, then threw it off to the side.
The captain ran after it, and I ran after Natasha.
A bullet flew over my shoulder, barely missing me, but it hit Natasha in the back.
I looked back wide-eyed at the Winter Soldier, as he had been close to hitting me. He gave me an apologetic look, but turned his attention back to Captain America.
I looked back to where Natasha was a second ago, but she had since moved on.
I couldn't see her so I ran back to help the soldier.
He had pulled out a knife and was in a close combat fight with the Captain.
The soldier grabbed a hold of his neck, then threw him back across a car. He jumped over after him, forcing his fist down. It hit the concrete as the captain rolled out the way.
I pulled out my own knife and swung it towards his head. He caught my wrist when the blade was only millimetres away.
"I don't want to hurt you" he said.
He wouldn't let go of my wrist, so I swung my leg round and kicked him back by the stomach.
He pulled me over with him, then rolled over on top of me.
He was instantly kicked off by the Winter Soldier.
The Soldier helped me up, but that gave the captain time to get his shield once more.
The Soldier ran forward, and the guys started fighting again.
Before I could help, the soldier was hit back , and his mask had been ripped off his face.
I ran over to him, holding my knife ready to fight.
We both faced the captain.
"Bucky?" the captain said.
"Who the hell is Bucky?" the Soldier said. He seemed distracted. So I lifted my knife and threw it towards the captain because he didn't have his shield to protect him.
Just as the blade left my hand, I was kicked back against a car.
The person that had been in the car with them was now in the air, wearing some sort of wing suit.
My head ached a bit, but I got up regardless.
The Soldier tried to approach me, but we were blasted back in opposite directions as a grenade blew up between us.
Natasha had reappeared with the grenade launcher.
When the smoke cleared, the Winter Soldier was gone.
Armoured police trucks surrounded us.
I didn't run because the people that got out where all Hydra agents. I recognised the ones not wearing helmets.
"Get on your knees!"
"Get down!"
"On your knees!"
They were all yelling and pointing guns. 
Rumlow came towards me.
"You too princess. You're coming with us" he smirked.
"Of course" I groaned, holding my hands out in front of me as he put handcuffs on.
To my disappointment, I was put in the same vehicle as Natasha and Captain America, and their bird friend. There were two guards in there with us.
When we started driving, I looked hopefully at them.
"Undo these, will you?" I requested.
The one on the right ignored me, the one on the left reached across and took my handcuffs off.
I faced Natasha.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this."
"Y/n listen to me..." 
"No. Natasha, you ruined my life. Now I'm going to end yours."

You pulled a gun out from under the seat but before you had the chance to use it, one of the guards hit you with a taser.
They then hit the other guard.
You both fell unconscious to the floor of the van.
The guard took the helmet off, revealing who she was: Maria Hill, assistant to Nick Fury.
"Ah that thing was squeezing my brain" she remarked. "Who's this guy?"
"A friend" Steve said.
Maria proceeded to use her laser taser gun to create a hole in the bottom of the truck.
"You ready?" she asked.
"Wait..." Natasha paused. "Rogers, help me bring her."
Natasha had been shot in the hand and the shoulder so couldn't bring you herself.
"You want to bring her with us? Why?"
"Don't ask questions, just do it."
Steve sighed but agreed to help, and they all escaped, carrying your body with them.

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