Chapter Thirteen

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YEAR: 2014

Tony took you back to the Avengers Tower, where he called Dr Banner, and together they gave you medical attention.
They checked you were alive, and everything was okay.
You had a few open cuts and a sprained ankle, but miraculously you were fine other than that.
Stark took some of your blood so that Banner could do a DNA test to find out about your family.
Then, you were taken to a cell.
They weren't taking any chances.
There was a bed in there on which they lay you to rest.
You groaned as you woke up, which caught the attention of everyone that was waiting outside.
You opened your eyes slowly, and sat up quickly when you took in your surroundings.

I was in a cell.
"Where are we?" I asked.
"We're at the Avengers Tower" Natasha explained.
I looked out the window of the cell and saw her, standing with Stark and Captain America, and someone I recognised from TV as Dr Banner.
I sat back against the headboard of the bed, staring away from them.
"How are you feeling? Are you okay?" Nat asked.
I ignored her.
"Y/n say something..."
I turned to face her slowly, but stayed silent.
She sighed in disappointment. I don't know what she was expecting me to say.
"Y/n, Tony has something to tell you" she said, so I faced him.
"We ran the blood test" he said.
I looked down on my arm and saw the small plaster.
"We know who your family is" Banner added.
I glared angrily at them, even though I wanted to know. I think I wanted to know.
"Your mother..." Banner started. He was reading from a piece of paper on a clipboard, then he looked up at me as he said the name. "Maria Stark."
Stark? No.
"Your father... Howard Stark."
"No" I repeated louder.
"Y/n..." Natasha said.
"No you're lying! He's lying!"
I looked at Stark.
"Y/n you're my sister" he smiled weakly.
"No I'm not! Let me out of here!"
"You are my sister" he repeated. "You were taken from our parents when you were ten weeks old..."
"They died in a car crash..."
"No! Shut up!" I was shaking my head, covering my ears with my hands.
"Y/n we tested your blood..." Nat said.
"He's not lying. He's your brother."
"He's not my brother!"
I don't care what science says, I don't care if it's true.
Tony Stark is not my brother.
They were all silent outside the cell. My head was buried behind my knees - I didn't check to see if they were still there. Then, I heard muttering. I couldn't hear what they were saying.
I looked up after a minute as I remembered something.
I looked out the window.
"Where is he?" I asked.
They stopped talking to each other and looked at me.
"Where is he?" I repeated.
"Where is who?" Cap wondered. "Bucky?"
I didn't know. He had been called that, but I wasn't sure if it was really him.
"The Winter Soldier?" I questioned.
"Bucky" Nat confirmed.
They didn't answer my question.
As much as I know that I shouldn't care, I wanted to know that he was okay. I hadn't seen him since the mission...
The mission I failed to complete.
"He's going to kill me" I muttered.
"What?" Nat asked.
"You have to let me go. He's going to kill me!"
"He's not going to kill you" Natasha claimed.
I don't think she understood.
"He will find me! And he will kill me!" I cried.
"Bucky's not going to hurt you" Cap said.
I looked at him and shook my head. "No..." I turned to Natasha. "Dreykov."
"But Dreykov's dead. I killed him."
"You thought you killed me too." 


The Winter Soldier stood across the street from the Avengers Tower.
He had planned on running, but he remembered.
That stopped him from leaving.
Bucky wasn't exactly sure what his plan was. He didn't think he could just march into the tower.
Especially not after what he did. They didn't know he remembered.
Eventually, he crossed the street and just walked through the door.
No one was around.
He wasn't sure what to do. It was a tall tower; he wasn't about to search every floor.
So he sat on a chair, hoping someone would come by soon.
After a while, Sam walked in the tower.
He stopped immediately when he saw Bucky.
Bucky stood up slowly.
"Get back" Sam warned.
"No wait I-" Bucky started. "I just need to talk to Steve."
"How do I know you're not going to try and kill him?" Sam questioned.
"Please. I'm unarmed... I just want to talk."
"Wait here" Sam instructed, and left the room.
Bucky sat back in the chair with his head in his hands.
Sam was gone for only a few minutes.
He looked up to see Steve, cautiously holding his shield, with Sam and Natasha on either side of him.
They were all armed.
"Steve" Bucky said as he got to his feet.
Steve lowered the shield.
"You know who I am?"
"I remember" Bucky nodded.
Steve dropped the shield and embraced Bucky in a quick hug. They pulled apart.
"Is she here?" Bucky asked hopefully.
Steve looked back at Natasha.
"She's here" Natasha confirmed.
"Can I see her? Please?"
They took him up to your cell. You were in the bed, with your back facing them.
"Can we have a minute?" Bucky requested.
They agreed and left him alone.

I heard the voices return outside my cell. I didn't want to see them, so I had my back turned.
I heard their footsteps leave quickly again, so I was confused as to why they came.
I heard his voice, instantly familiar.
I threw the sheets off my bed and ran over to face the Winter Soldier.
He placed his hand on the glass and I did the same.
"You're okay Weiner!"
"I-it's uh, it's Bucky actually" he said.
"Oh. Um, hi Bucky."
I tried to repress my happiness, not smiling too much. But I couldn't help it. I was glad to see him.
"Bucky you have to get me out of here!" I begged. "I need to go. Take me back to Hydra. Or the Red Room! I need to go back to Dreykov!"
He frowned pitifully.
"What?" I questioned.
"Y/n I can't."
"Why not?"
"Hydra are bad people. So are the people at the Red Room."
"No. We killed the bad people! All my targets deserved to die!" 
"No they didn't-"
"Let me out of here Weiner!"
"I'm sorry-"
"Let me out! I need to get back to the Red Room. Or Dreykov-"
"Y/n you're safe here. Dreykov can't hurt you. Stark will look after you. Did he tell you th-"
"That he's my brother? Yeah, fucking bullshit!"
"He was telling the truth..."
"I don't care! He's not my brother! He's not going to fucking look after me!"
"He is. So will Natasha. So will I. I promise I'm not going to leave."
I couldn't make the same promise. I was leaving the first chance I got.
"Open the door Soldier."
"Open the fucking door!"
"I can't."
"Then leave! If you're not going to help me, I don't want to see you!"
"I'm not leaving you."
I had an idea. It would work out either way. If it didn't make him leave, I could get him to help me out of here.
"Longing" I said in German.
He froze with shock.
"Y/n what are you doing?"
He looked hurt. Betrayed. I tried not to care.
"Don't do this."
"Daybreak. Furnace."
He turned and ran out the room.
"Nine! Benign! Homecoming!" I called after him.
He was gone.
I returned to sit in silence on my bed.

Red in my Ledgerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें