Chapter Twenty-Six

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That evening, everyone decided to order pizza instead of someone cooking.  
Movies were playing on the large TV, but not many people were paying attention, as they were engaged in their own conversations.
When the pizza arrived, it was placed on a table at the side of the room.
You got up to get some, at the same time as Thor.
"Hi" he smiled as he came up to the table next to you.
"Thor, right?" you said, not taking your eyes of the pizza. You were being picky about the slices you were selecting.
"Yes. You're Stark's sister."
"Mhm. Im y/n" you smiled up at him. He was a lot taller standing closer to you.
"I saw you at the party last night. You looked very pretty."
"Oh so I don't look pretty anymore? I look ugly right now?"
"Oh no, you're very pretty now. I just meant that... no you're very pretty."
"You're pretty too" you chuckled, then looked back at the pizza to put some on your plate.
"I wish I'd seen more of you last night. You seemed to disappear so early on."
"Something came up."
"Oh. Was everything okay?"
"Yeah everything's fine" you smiled at him again.
"Oh. Good. I was wondering, do you want to sit with me and we can chat?" he suggested.
Before you could agree, Bucky appeared next to you.
He put his arm around you and smiled at Thor.
"Hey y/n. Thor, right?"
"Yeah. And you are?"
"Bucky" he offered out his hand and Thor shook it.
"Hello Bucky" Thor said. He looked at you questioningly. You shook your head.
"Thor, do you mind if I speak to y/n for one minute?" Bucky requested.
"Of course" Thor nodded, and went to sit back down.
"What's up?" you asked Bucky.
"I haven't spoken to you properly since before you left this morning."
"I know. I'm sorry."
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah of course. Why?"
"I'm just checking" he smiled.
"Oh. Are you okay?"
"Just checking" you smiled at him.
You stared into each other's eyes for a minute until Tony came up to you.
"Hey you two. What are you doing?"
"Hey Tony. Just grabbing some pizza" you nodded at him. You picked up your plate then went to sit back on the couch between Natasha and Clint.
"What took you so long?" Nat asked as she grabbed a slice of pizza from your plate.
"Um. Just talking to some of the others" you shrugged. You looked at Bucky across the room. He was still talking to Tony. He saw you and gave you a small wave. You waved back.
"Y/n do you mind switching places with me?" Nat asked. "I need to talk to Clint about something."
"Yeah of course."
You stood up, she shuffled over, you sat back down on her other side next to Steve.
Clint spoke quietly to Natasha.
"Y/n and Bucky are just friends, right?" he asked.
"Yeah. Why?" Natasha questioned.
"Oh come on. You don't see it?"
Next to Nat, you were talking to Steve.
"Hey Steve" you smiled as you sat back down.
"Hey kid" he smiled. "How are you?"
"I'm good. You?"
"Yes. You could say things are going pretty good."
"Yeah? I heard about your date tomorrow."
"Mhm. I'm going to take her out to dinner, then I thought we could walk around the city for a while."
"That sounds lovely Steve."
"What about you?"
"What do you mean, what about me?"
"Is there anyone you're interested in? You've helped me a lot, maybe I could help you?"
"Thanks for the offer Steve" you laughed lightly. "But I'm okay."
"Not interested in anyone then?"
"No. Everyone here is... old."
"We're not that old" Clint complained from next to Natasha.
Steve laughed.
"What do you think you're laughing about" Tony said. "Aren't you literally a hundred?"
Steve rolled his eyes in response. 
After a while, Natasha started talking to Steve again.
They were simply talking over the top of your head instead of asking you to move.
You decided to block out their conversation and focus on the movie that was still playing on the TV.
It was currently halfway through one of the Star Wars movies.
On the other side of the room, Tony had sat down next to Thor.
"I didn't know you had a sister Stark" Thor said.
"There's a lot of things you don't know Point Break."
"Is she dating anyone?"
"Does she... currently have anyone that she's in a relationship with?"
"No. Why?"
"Do you think she'd want to go out with me?"
"No. Why?"
"Because I was thinking about asking her out."
"I thought you were already dating someone."
"Yes well things didn't work out with Jane."
"Thor, you're not asking my sister out as some sort of rebound."
"No of course not. I- I think she's beautiful, and would like to enjoy a meal with her."
"Okay. Then you have my blessing."
"I wasn't asking for your blessing."
"Mhm. Whatever Point Break. Don't upset her."
"I wouldn't dream of it" Thor looked over at you, watching the movie.
"Wait how old are you-" Tony asked.
Thor was already standing up. He walked over to you.
"Lady y/n" he said.
"Thor?" you looked up at him. "What's up?"
"I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to a restaurant tomorrow evening. For dinner."
"Oh" you sat up straight. "You mean... like a date?"
"Yes. A date."
You had no idea what to say. Thor would probably be one of the last people in the room you were consider dating. But maybe that was a reason to try it.
"Sure, that could be fun" you agreed.
"Excellent! I will see you tomorrow."
"Okay..." you said slowly. Then watched him take his seat next to Bruce just a few feet away from you.
"I thought you said you weren't interested in anyone" Steve said.
"Um. I wasn't. I'm not. I was definitely not expecting... that. But Thor seems nice. So I mean, why not?"
"Well I hope you guys have a nice time on your date."
"Mhm" you nodded, looking over at Thor.
He grinned widely at you.
Nat nudged you, so you looked at her.
"Thor, huh?"
You sucked your lips into your teeth, not knowing what to say. You generally had no idea what was going to happen.
"Now we can get ready for our dates together" she suggested.
"Yeah sounds fun."
"Mind if I come too?"
You looked up to see Yelena standing in front of you.
"Bucky just asked me on a date too" she beamed happily.
*a few moments ago*
Bucky watched Thor walk over to you. He listened to your conversation, heard you say yes.
He frowned as you turned to briefly talk to Steve about it.
"Everyone seems to be going to dinner" Yelena commented from next to him.
"Yeah..." Bucky was distracted. Then he turned to Yelena and pulled a smile across his face. "Do you want to go to dinner tomorrow? You know, everyone else is."
"Yeah, sure. Sounds fun."
"Great. It's a date."
"A date" Yelena grinned. "Excuse me for a second."
She got up to tell you and Natasha.
"Wow. So we all have dates tomorrow!" Nat exclaimed.
"That's wonderful Lena" you said.
You looked past her at where Bucky was alone on the couch, sipping a beer.
Yelena finished talking to Natasha and went back to sit with him.
You watched them talk and smile together for a bit.
They were happy. You were happy for them.
You decided to turn your attention back to the movie.
About an hour later...
"Okay. I think I'm gonna head to my room" Sam declared.
"Yeah it's getting late" Bruce noticed the time.
"Mhm. I'm gonna go too" Steve decided, and was about to get up.
"Wait! Capsicle! Don't move!" Tony objected, his tone hushed slightly.
"Why- oh."
Steve looked down. You had fallen asleep, and your head was resting peacefully in his lap.
"Well Steve looks like you're sleeping out here" Nat laughed quietly.
"What? No. Can you help move her?" he whispered.
"No, you might wake her" Tony said.
"What's wrong with that?"
"She just looks so peaceful" Clint said.
"Why can't we wake her?" Steve asked.
"Fine. Do what you want" Tony sighed.
"It's your funeral" Natasha whispered.
Steve rolled his eyes and was about to push himself up.
You stirred in your sleep. You rolled over and hugged Steve's arm.
Steve looked up worriedly.
"Guys I can't get up" he frowned. He didn't want to wake you either.
"Well. See you tomorrow buddy" Clint said quietly and patted him on the shoulder.
The others simply waved and tiptoed out the room, until just Bucky and Natasha were left.
"I can move her if you want" Bucky offered.
"No that's okay. We shouldn't risk waking her up. I'll stay with her" Steve said.
"You're amazing" Nat smiled, and kissed him gently on the lips. "I'll see you in the morning."
"See you tomorrow. Bye Buck."
Natasha and Bucky left the room and switched the lights off on their way out.
Steve sat in the dark. He wasn't very comfortable, but he didn't risk moving.
Eventually, he fell asleep sitting up, still with you leaning on him.
You both managed to sleep peacefully the entire night.

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