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      When Melena opened her eyes, the room was dark and quiet. Besides the consistent ticking of a clock, there was only the sound of a male's peaceful breathing. It was too easy to guess. She knew it was Pierre's grip that held her close, his breathing that she'd been listening to.

The sheets were slightly pulled back, exposing his bare chest to the soft breeze that snuck in through the top window which stood lightly ajar. Her hand remained unmoving on his stomach, not yet completely aware of the way she was sharing a bed with her ex-boyfriend. One single question only gripped her, though, when the girl caught sight of the alarm on his nightstand— what was she doing here?

Pierre grunted when Melena moved her body away from his. Without making a sound, she swung her legs over the edge of the bed, determined on using the toilet.

A full bladder wasn't her only problem. Her head ached incredibly bad. Her memory was weak and she frowned at the sight of Pierre after returning from the bathroom. It was 6 AM. There was no way she could sneak out now, right?

With the AlphaTauri-shirt falling down to her mid-thighs, the rest of her exposed, Melena crawled back into bed. She hesitated, then reinstalled herself in her former position, hand on his chest, the top of her head resting against his shoulder. He didn't move, nor did he make a sound. It was almost as if this was normal again.

The next time she opened her eyes, Melena was nearly blinded by daylight. She was laying on her stomach, holding onto her pillow, and as her eyes adjusted to the sharp sunlight, the girl noticed Pierre sitting on the edge of the bed. His bare back was turned to her, forearms learning on the edges of his knees. She didn't dare say anything yet. She actually quite enjoyed the sight; the muscles in his back flexed at the smallest movements, shoulders broad and looking strong.

A small smile danced on her lips. A soft 'hey' was enough to get his attention.

He turned to look at her. Something changed in his eyes when the pair made eye-contact. 'Good morning.' His voice sounded quiet and raspy. 'How are you feeling?'

Melena had no intention of getting up yet. She exhaled almost dramatically and pulled the sheets up to her chest. 'I'm feeling like... I got hit by a truck or something.' She said, turning to lay on her back, hand on her forehead in attempt to ease the heavy headache.

Pierre made an understanding sound, then nodded his head. 'I can imagine.'

Thinking back to the late hours of last night, the puzzle pieces started to fall into place. Melena propped herself up on one elbow, turning her body towards the Frenchman. With the light frown on her face, she still thought, then finally dared to ask him the question she'd been dying to ask. And he must've seen it coming.

She cleared her throat awkwardly, fiddling with her fingers. Pierre knew this habit of hers too well. 'Did we... you know?'

He shook his head, thinking back to last night. 'No, but you definitely wanted to.'

Before she could react, Pierre got up to his feet. He heard her push herself up, pushing the sheets away. She clearly wanted to know more, but he wasn't afraid to leave her asking for it. He wanted her attention like she'd given him it last night, hands all over him, clearly craving his touch, offering him sex, nearly begging him for it...

'I... I wanted to?' She asked and Pierre merely nodded, making a low confirming sound. He wanted her to go on and she did. 'So, did we kiss at all?' She asked anxiously.

A smirk appeared on his lips. She probably would have smacked it right off his face if she'd seen it, but she hadn't. He was fishing out clothes, planning to shower sooner than later.

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