Chapter One

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Charlotte Page couldn't believe that she had gone crazy because of that dream she had about her best friend, Henry Hart. It was ridiculous, that was what it truly was. Dreams only happened to help prepare a person for events similar in real life, but Charlotte knew that she would never kiss Henry. Her brain prepared her for nothing, just a moment of embarrassment and craziness. That was it. Plus, dreams were usually weird things that your brain made up, so that's what she decided that dream was.

Really, who became awkward after dreams like that? It was a normal thing every teenager went through. That was what she learned in a very awkward psychology class she took last year, at least. Maybe things had changed in a year, and it wasn't normal anymore. She wasn't sure right now, especially because she could still feel the effects of the dream crashing through her body whenever she was near Henry.

Stepping into the main part of the Man Cave from the secret entrance, Charlotte saw Henry fast asleep in the chair at the work desk. She was finally glad that they got past their little issue with each other because of her dream even though there were still aftereffects which she hadn't told Henry. She missed her best friend. 

Walking across the tiled floor, Charlotte slowly approached him. Henry started to mumble to himself in the chair, making Charlotte laugh softly to herself. He always spoke in sleep whenever he was dreaming about something awesome. At least, that was what he told her after she let him know that he spoke in his sleep during a sleepover when they were younger. 

"Henry, wake up," Charlotte said, shaking his shoulder. He continued to mumble to himself about a golf club, so she knew that he was definitely dreaming because they hadn't done anything with a golf club recently. "Wake up, Hen. You're dreaming."

Henry's eyes fluttered open, a small smile on his face. She wouldn't admit this out loud, but he looked absolutely adorable. "Charlotte," he whispered. His eyes were still fuzzy, like he was half-asleep. However, his face dropped, and his eyes cleared up when he finally saw her standing in front of him. Henry rolled away from her, nearly falling out of the chair in the process. "Charlotte! You scared me!"

"I'm sorry," Charlotte said, frowning slightly. There was something wrong with him, more than just her scaring him awake. "I noticed that you were dreaming, so I wanted to wake you up."

"Why would you want to wake me up? My dream was much better --" His eyes went wide. Charlotte noticed a little bit of fear in his eyes. To be honest, she liked seeing him afraid. "I mean, my dream was pretty boring. I was kissing someone."

"You were what?"

"I mean, I was killing someone. Yeah. That's what I was doing in that dream."

Charlotte totally didn't believe what he was saying, but she didn't have enough time because he stood up from the chair at the work desk and began running away from her toward the elevator. Yes, there was definitely something else wrong with him. He usually didn't run away from her like this. 

"Henry, why are you running away?" Ray asked as he stepped out of the elevator, still carrying the cardboard cutout of Kid Danger with him. 

Charlotte didn't want to punch out the face anymore, which was good. Now that she had spoken to Henry privately about her dream, she was feeling much better. However, Henry had started acting a little strange just about a minute or two ago when she woke him up from napping. They had finally gotten back to normal. What was going on with him now?

"I should -- I should, umm, probably get home," Henry said quickly. He jutted his finger toward the elevator that shut directly behind Ray. Charlotte let out a laugh as Ray blocked the elevator with the help of Cardboard Kid Danger. "I really need to bounce, Ray. My parents want to have dinner with me."

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