Chapter Eight

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Bright lights shone upon Charlotte and Henry as they sat in front of the cameras at KLVY News with the two hosts who almost always talked about everything happening in Swellview, whether it be strange or normal. Sweat was pouring off of Charlotte as she glanced at the watch situated on her wrist, sitting next to the bracelet Schwoz made for her and Henry. In a few minutes, they were going to be interviewed by Trent Overunder and Mary Gaperman about their relationship. Charlotte didn't want to do this at all, but Schwoz and Ray forced her to come to the studio with Henry to do it for whatever reason that she didn't know. 

"Are you ready, Charlotte?" Henry asked her. She looked over at him to see a huge smile on his face, the lights shining off of his mask. He seemed a little too excited to be going on the news just to talk about their relationship. She was the total opposite of him as the nerves were eating her up from the inside as she stared at the cameras. His smile faltered. "Charlotte?"

"I'm not good," she whispered to him. "Why do we have to do this again?"

"Because I'm a celebrity. And I think Schwoz thought it would be a good idea to show this Seymour Butts guy that I have someone important in my life that he could use to get closer to me and Captain Man."

"Oh, so I'm just waiting to get kidnapped or hurt by this man so you can catch him before he hurts Captain Man," she said, rolling her eyes. Of course, Schwoz would say that. He was the so-called genius in their group. "Great. I'm ready to be the bait."

"It's not like that, and you know it." Henry placed one hand on her thigh and the other on the back of her chair, pulling her chair closer to his. She stared down at his hand and swallowed hard. Her heart thundered in her chest, and her skin prickled uncomfortably where Henry laid his hand. "Captain Man and I are going to be ready to take him down whenever he decides to strike. You'll be safe, okay?"

"Whatever you say."

They fell silent as Mary and Trent walked over to the desk they sit behind every single night. Trent wouldn't even look at Mary as she chatted endlessly about something to him. It must have been close to when this thing was going to go live, and that made Charlotte's heart speed up even quicker. This was the worst decision in her life, right behind agreeing to be Kid Danger's (fake) girlfriend. Why in the world did she have to let Ray and Schwoz talk her into this? She was crazy. Absolutely crazy.

She watched as one of the workers count down until the show was about to start. She stared at the camera, hoping she didn't look as terrified as she felt. "Welcome to this special on KLVY News," Trent said, forcing a dazzling smile on his face. "Tonight, Mary and I will be talking with Kid Danger and his new girlfriend, Charlotte Page, all about their relationship."

"Hello, everyone," Henry said to the camera, waving. He was totally relaxed, taking his hand off of her thigh. "Thank you all for letting us on here tonight. It means a lot to us."

"Yeah, thanks," Charlotte managed to get out.

"Ooh, it sounds like someone's nervous," Trent said in a joking manner. Charlotte nearly sent her glare to Trent but figured she should smile instead. "How did you two meet?"

"I think it's obvious," Mary said, rolling her eyes at Trent. "They met at Swellview High School when Charlotte fell over the side of the stairs right into his arms. Duh."

"I actually think we've seen each other over the years, right?" Henry said with a quick glance at Charlotte. She nodded because that technically was the truth, just not the whole truth. "Yeah, I've seen her around Swellview, and she's always caught my eye every single time I have seen her. I mean, have you seen such beauty?"

Charlotte couldn't help it as the blush crept up her neck. As Henry said that about her, he looked directly at her with the widest smile on his face. She couldn't believe he actually said that about her. Was it the truth? She wasn't really sure. All she knew was that her heart picked up its pace as he reached out and squeezed her hand.

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