Chapter Eleven

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Charlotte was grateful that Piper called her up earlier today to beg her to go out with her on an official girl's day to get mani-pedis and maybe go shopping if Charlotte could show her face in town without getting killed or yelled at or anything else that crazy fans were willing to do to her. She desperately needed to get away from Henry and Jasper and Ray and Schwoz and all their issues that they were bringing into her life. She desperately needed to get away from all the news stories that were popping up on the internet after her blow up at Kid Danger and Jack Swagger. The worst had happened to her: she had become the center of attention in Swellview. 

Somehow, paparazzi had got her phone number, and they were calling her nonstop, trying to get her to spill the beans about how the timeline of her relationship with Jack Swagger overlapped with the timeline of her relationship with Kid Danger. Memes were being created about her snapping at Kid Danger and Jack Swagger because someone got a picture of her putting them in their place when they were trying to fight each other. More than that, though, people were writing about how she was a terrible girlfriend to their beloved Kid Danger. They all thought that she cheated on Jack Swagger with Kid Danger and were calling her out for something she didn't do. There were even some death threats that were popping up in her Envygram direct messages. That was the thing that hurt her the most.

Thankfully, Henry was active on social media as Kid Danger, actively trying to stop all these people hating on her for something they didn't know the full context to, unlike Jack Swagger, who hadn't issued anything to his fans that were calling for her to kill herself. He had been trying to do crowd control since it happened yesterday, though he hadn't even tried to talk to her about what had happened at the mini golf course. Well, he actually tried to call her a few times, but she declined all his calls. For some reason, she didn't want to talk to him at all. Maybe it was because she was angry at him for trying to fight Jack Swagger in such a crowded place. Maybe it was because of something else. All she knew was that she didn't want to talk to him at all.

There were multiple honks outside her house, meaning that Piper was here to pick Charlotte up for their girl's day. She wasn't really excited to ride in the same car as Piper driving, but she didn't really have any other choice. She was afraid to walk through Swellview because people might attack her for cheating on Jack Swagger with Kid Danger. That fear nearly kept her in her bedroom for the rest of the weekend, but Piper convinced her to go out with her for girl's day by telling her that they would have the whole mani-pedi shop to themselves because the owner owed Piper, though she wouldn't tell her why. 

Charlotte grabbed her purse from off of her closet door handle and headed downstairs. Her parents were watching something on the TV in the living room, so she said, "I'm going out with Piper for a little bit. I'll see you guys later."

"Do you think that's a good idea?" her mother asked her with one single raised eyebrow. Charlotte hated how both her parents had the "I told you so" faces on right now. They probably were thinking that they were right about going out with Kid Danger. "What if someone attacks you?"

"I'll be fine. I promise."

Neither of her parents answered her. She hated that they were looking at her like they didn't recognize her anymore. This was her life, though. What would they think if they found out that she worked with Kid Danger and Captain Man every single day for four or so years? Maybe they truly didn't know her like she thought they did. And maybe she was fine with that, especially because they always put so much pressure on herself to be good at school, and school wasn't her whole life anymore.

Charlotte left her house quietly, heading toward Piper's car. She slid into the passenger seat with a soft sigh. "Sorry I was late," she said to Piper. "My parents wanted to talk to me."

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